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I do not support this at all. We need to continue to protect these lands. It is atrocious that this would even be proposed. The destruction of these natural habitats would be devastating to the Province and country. Lire davantage

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Please do not sacrifice our province's beautiful and irreplaceable natural landscape for the sake of putting more dollars in developers' pockets. I beg you for the sake of my children, for all of our children, and for the generations after us who will never forgive us for depriving them of nature.

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Leave the greenbelt alone. Develop new communities in a human-health perspective. Hire health-geographers to do the research and consultation; the way our homes villages and towns are built will change lives for generations, DO IT RIGHT.

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Build a better commuter rail network and spread development out in less sensitive areas, which allows for a network of green space and thus healthier living and happier people.

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no it will cause irreparable damage to the eco system and the houses won't be less than half a million anyways. the groundwater will be contaminated, the removal of trees will cause flooding and change the ecosystem with unknown results in the future

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instead of building on the beautiful land we have left why not make affordable housing for those who need it. Why don't you lower the cost of living. because even if you say you're creating jobs you still aren't paying them enough to live.

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We don’t need more mansions on the Green Belt. We need politicians who will protect water and land and our right to live safely in a world that sustains us. We need politicians who will protect our humanity as existing in harmony with and of nature. Lire davantage

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This can not be allowed to happen. Doug Ford you have promised you would not be touching the Green belt. Destroying the land for the sake of a couple mansions is disgusting. This can not be allowed.

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No development on the greenbelt. Adding to sprawl is not addressing the housing problem, it's just lining the pockets of developers. It will make commuting time worse and threaten the ecosystems in these communities. Nobody wants this except for greedy developers. Lire davantage

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I'd just like to say as a resident and home owner in ontario, my family and I are starkly against these changes. We'd like to see the existing green belt plan remain as is with no amendments made to open it up for any sort of development. This change won't make housing cheaper. Lire davantage

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Do not build in the green belt, we need to think about future generations and the only way to do that is by protecting our green space! We need to redevelop Ontario by rezoning large parts of urban areas and fund public infrastructure projects that naturally bring more developers.