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It is troublesome that land development is being prioritized for over land preservation. We need our farm lands. We ran into trouble when our masks were produced away from home and we ran out. We had trouble with vaccines because we didn’t produce them. We can’t afford to have trouble with food. Lire davantage

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This is a disgusting attempt to line the pockets of rich developers and politicians at the expense of vital farming land. I completely disagree with this development. Once again, Doug Ford has lied.

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The green belt is supposed to be permanently protected forest. Please don’t take this away. Southern Ontario is becoming more and more developed, so these green spaces need to be protected at all costs.

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Green belt should be protected as is. It is important for ecological balance of the GTA and neighbouring regions. We can not simply say that we need to move green belt from here to there. LEAVE GREEN BELT ALONE.

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The government’s own housing task force earlier this year said there was plenty of land already approved to build the homes we need, that more land was not needed. Lire davantage

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Ridiculous this government wants to destroy the green belt to line the pockets of their friends. Destroying our beautiful province for some cash, this is the way of our government. Disgusting

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“The Greenbelt is the heart of the Greater Golden Horseshoe — its permanent protection is essential for climate resilient communities and a thriving local economy.“ — Lire davantage

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I do not support development on the green belt. Doug ford said he wouldn't develop it and now he's changed his mind. We need the green belt for biodiversity. DO NOT BUILD ON THE GREENBELT.