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I am incredibly unhappy with the direction Doug Ford is leading Ontario. The Greenbelt should absolutely not be touched until we have used up all available land. I am a grade 11 student, and acts like these make me question the fate of the environment, farmers, and my future. Lire davantage

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I am against this proposal. Firstly, it was stated by the Ford government that he would not do this. Secondly, the trade in land is ridiculously one sided. Next, there is no way this land will go to low income housing that is so desperately needed. Lire davantage

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This is a lazy way to try and build more housing in this province. Please, we beg of you to think of the future. There are better solutions. Keep our green belt what it is- a beautiful protected land that we can all enjoy.

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Please stop impacting our green space. It is obvious this is being done to help a select few people that seem to have ties to Doug Ford. There are plenty of options to build on without decimating our limited green space. Once you do this, it can’t be undone.

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As an Ontario resident I do not support the proposal to build in the greenbelt. The greenbelt is a vital part of protecting the environment, marshes are the lungs of the planet. Lire davantage

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Ford, you ran on a platform where you promised not to touch the green belt. You owe the people of Ontario at least an acknowledgment that you are going back on your word and you need to take the time to really consider the catastrophic impact of this choice if you move forward. Lire davantage

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Please, please protect our sacred green space. Our children need an Earth to grow up on. Your decisions are destroying our piece of this planet. Please make the right choice and leave this beautiful, necessary space alone.

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This is yet another example of poor critical thinking skills from the Ford government. Not only will destroying the greenbelt harm Ontario's waning agricultural industry, and kill our environment for future generations, but it is also just poor planning. Lire davantage

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Please do not destroy the green belts. In Richmond hill we are already seeing the effects of displaced wildlife from destruction of the forest land by observatory lane. They have now moved in our backyards and puts our pets in danger too. Lire davantage

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Ontario needs more dense housing instead of developing sensitive green space. The proposed areas for development will only result in further urban sprawl without adequate transit infrastructure. Priority should be given to densifying pre-existing urban areas. Lire davantage

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I'd like my children to have the same memories of weekend drives and hikes through the greenbelt region. There are many regions within ontario that should be first in line for development before our greenbelt. Stop this ridiculous short sighted proposal.

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The Greenbelt is there to protect against urban expansion, not to just be tossed aside when it becomes inconvenient. Find another way to develop. Stop putting in infrastructure that is inefficient at stopping urban Sprawl like suburban housing. Lire davantage

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Please do not open up the green belt. Increase density in existing areas. We don’t need more sprawl and highways - we really don’t. Also, we don’t need to build a high way for Doug’s real estate owning buddies / developers who own the land all around said highway. No more sprawl. No more highways.