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I strongly urge the Premier to: withdraw the plan to remove lands from the Greenbelt; get on with a meaningful Greenbelt expansion that reflects public input - repeatedly promised but never delivered by the Ford government; Lire davantage

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Greenbelt space should not be built upon. There are far more sustainable options to solve housing crisis. Tiny homes, apartments, stop selling family homes to corporations and those who are not Canadian citizens but foreign investors. Lire davantage

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Ontario does not need more sprawl and we need to protect our greenbelt. Ontario needs to focus on intensifying our existing communities and improving transit, not create more single family homes over valuable green spaces and farm land. Lire davantage

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It is absolutely atrocious that Doug Ford is trying to develop protected natural land. There's plenty of other places he could have his developer buddies develop, but the greenbelt is cheap since it's ecological status. Lire davantage

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I am writing to express my opposition to Bill 23 and associated policy proposals that would weaken environmental protections and undermine public involvement in land use planning and decision-making. I am concerned about the: Lire davantage

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I do not agree with the proposed site in Clarington as I have lived for 49 years and our infrastructure I will need to be upgraded and we as citizen can’t afford extra taxes for this . Lire davantage

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I disagree with using protected green belt lands to meet out housing needs. I believe the government should look for alternative ways to provide housing without sacrificing these areas and the wildlife in the areas. We need to protect our environment Thank you.

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Selling the green belt to developers is bad for the environment and bad for ontarians. This only lines the pockets of big developers and will not help the housing crisis. These homes will be large super homes, not affordable. Doug, you promised, now listen to the people!

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Leave the Greenbelt alone!! Once you lose these lands to development, there is no gaining them back. The lands are protected for a reason, the negative affect to losing them will have a huge impact on the environment. The impact will be felt for generations. Lire davantage

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Opening the Green Belt to development when a) we need the Green Belt to stay green and b) doing so won’t solve the affordable housing crisis as Doug Ford proclaims is a crime against a public asset. A complete public hearing should be held on this matter.

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There area's need to stay as they are. We cant afford to loss wet lands like this. Use buildings or land already available for this. Im sure there lots of empty building and propertys that could be use fir thus insted of siting un used.

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I oppose Doug Ford trying to take the green belt and develop on it. We can’t live in a world without trees/Forests/wetlands. We need to have spaces for wildlife. This needs to remain protected. Lire davantage

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I am vehemently opposed to this proposal. It is completely wrong and once again illustrates how corrupt and incompetent the Ford government is. PLEASE STOP HIM. Our wildlife and environment are more improved than his agenda!!!

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Paving over the greenbelt! This government ran on precisely the opposite of this. They flat out lied! Shame! My concerns are - flooding protection - food security - air quality No one - absolutely no one - believes this is necessary to build housing. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt must not be sacrificed to developers under the pretence of more housing. If municipalities around Toronto want more housing, stop approving mega houses and approve housing density. The government should keep its promise. Lire davantage

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Please don't develop on the greenbelt. These have been protected for a reason after multiple environment assessments. There is plenty of places to build and different types of structures to fit the need for building. We should not sacrifice our wetlands for the sake of development. Lire davantage