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The Ford government promised to leave the Greenbelt alone--and they should. You'd almost think they promise things in an election with no intention of following through with them. Lire davantage

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Why is money more important than climate or us even having a future planet to live on?!? I get that we need to grow, but we should not ignore years of research and Indigenous consultations just to push building through because there is money to be made. Just stop

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Please do not go through with this change. The environment is the most important thing that we have. I am a lifelong Conservative voter and I will need to change my party if this proceeds.

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This continual destruction of our beautiful rural landscape is reprehensible. I support Doug Ford generally, but this urban destruction is uncalled for. We will never get a second chance.

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This is an awful idea to change the plans to the Ontario green belt. Our children & future generations will suffer because of Doug Ford’s greedy behaviours and tendency to side with developers. It is NOT what the gta and Hamilton need, and not what Hamilton democratically voted for. Lire davantage

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This proposal will lead an increase in sprawl, further strain on existing infrastructure and not help with housing affordability while also destroying environmentally sensitive areas. Lire davantage

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I'm in my late 20s and want to settle down and build a family but I cannot because of unaffordable housing in this province. Even so, I do not believe that this bill will increase the housing that I need to build a family with the services and lifestyle I want. Lire davantage

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Removing land from the greenbelt would be detrimental to the many different types of ecosystems throughout Ontario such as farmland, forest, grassland, wetlands and much more. Any proposed housing should be “built up, not out”. Lire davantage

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Please leave the greenbelt a protected area. The beautiful nature we have in Ontario will suffer horrific losses if developers are allowed to build in those areas. Keep the Greenbelt Green! Lire davantage

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Please aim to keep green spaces, and access to rivers etc. Preferably to build multiplexes and low rise buildings . It is better to keep our physical view of the sky and environment, allows for high density living and to save green spaces. Thank you.

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True solutions to the housing crisis we already find ourselves in will not come from cannibalizing the greenbelt, more unchecked urban sprawl will just end up costing more money to maintain in the long term. Ontario's urban planning is stuck in the 70s.

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The proposed change is not acceptable to the people of Ontario. As it stands, the Greenbelt Act states “The plans provide permanent protection to the agricultural land base and the ecological and hydrological features, areas and functions within the Greater Golden Horseshoe and beyond.” Lire davantage

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Stop redesignating protected land and further damaging the environment. Start demanding that Toronto condo be made affordable and available for long term rentals. We don’t need more sub-divisions destroying the environment and making this city further unliveable.

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Dear Ministers Clark and Smith, I am writing to express my opposition to Bill 23 and associated policy proposals that would weaken environmental protections and undermine public involvement in land use planning and decision-making. I am particularly concerned about the: Lire davantage

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Removal of the Greenbelt in the Niagara area to substitute with pollution associated with increased urbanization and traffic flow has lasting direct and direct implications for farmlands in the area. Lire davantage