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I absolutely oppose any development on existing Green Belt land. The Green Belt was designed to protect future generations of Ontarian's and this amendment runs against that goal. There is absolutely no reason to release lands from the Green Belt. Lire davantage

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I do not agree with this bill. The beautiful town of Erin Ontario will be effected by this. We are a beautiful country town that is surrounded by green belt and farm land. To take this away would be a crime to the environment and the people. Lire davantage

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It is a profoundly reckless move to abandon the current government's mandate and begin dismantling protections on Ontario's Greenbelt to line the pockets of developers (which has already been going on for the development of Hwy 413/GTA West). Lire davantage

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As per the Toronto Star today : They recently bought Greenbelt land that was undevelopable. Now the Ford government is poised to remove protections — and these developers stand to profit Lire davantage

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Dear Ministers Clark and Smith, I am writing to express my opposition to Bill 23 and associated policy proposals that would weaken environmental protections and undermine public involvement in land use planning and decision-making. Lire davantage

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Good to see that with a little bit of money we can change the Greenbelt. I’ve seen it already. The rivers can take the abuse as long as developers pay for it, the land can be decimated as long as the correct people are paid off do whatever you want. Lire davantage

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Please leave the Greenbelt alone. Canada is the second largest country in the world so it is hard to believe that we have to destroy fertile land and valuable greenspace to accommodate the building of new homes. We are facing crises in nature as well as food production. Lire davantage

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The plan would detrimentally affect the natural environment. Development must not create lasting harm to the ecosystem, especially not in the middle of a climate crisis. Please reconsider!

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I am writing to you today to urge a reconsideration of Bill 23. Ontario must continue to protect our precious greenspaces. We cannot undo the environmental damage that opening up currently protected areas to housing development will cause. Lire davantage

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I think it is fairly apparent now to everyone that the world is in a climate crisis, no longer only the scientists. With that in mind, how can you let wealthy, greedy developers ruin our green belt? These people do not need more money (I happen to know one of the families distantly). Lire davantage

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Before I begin, I would like to say I am not an environmentalist heck I am not even an outdoorsy person. What I do like is clean air, safe drinking water and food that is not imported from half way around the world. Lire davantage

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I am writing to you today to urge a reconsideration of Bill 23. Ontario must continue to protect our precious greenspaces. We cannot undo the environmental damage that opening up currently protected areas to housing development will cause. Lire davantage

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Opening up the greenbelt for developers profits is shameful development within our democracy and not the solution to our housing crisis. Opening up and rezoning within the city of Toronto and surronding suburbs should be the first priority. Lire davantage

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Opening up the greenbelt for developers profits is shameful development within our democracy and not the solution to our housing crisis. Opening up and rezoning within the city of Toronto and surronding suburbs should be the first priority. Lire davantage

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As it currently stands, Bill 23 will decimate environmental protection for wetlands, woodlands and other sensitive green spaces, and it will prohibit conservation authorities from protecting these spaces. Lire davantage

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I am disgusted at even the suggestion of developing the Green Belt. What is the point in having protected lands if developers can just move in and destroy them? Part of what makes this city a nice place to live is having access to green space. Lire davantage

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This government must think about the long future. There are plenty of places in the province where communities can be built WITHOUT destroying what we have. Time to think outside the box.