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Do not support. Would prefer to see proposals for re-purposing currently underutilized infrastructure into housing. Explore commercial properties, empty residential buildings etc. before building new on protected land.

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We need to protect the environment and stop finding ways to get around protection laws. If anything we should be focusing on increasing green space and increasing biodiversity. This should not be allowed to take place.

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As currently written, this amendment would be a disaster for Ontario. As the climate crisis worsens, wetlands are essential to stave off expensive floods, and farmland is increasingly valuable - yet this amendment would decimate both. Lire davantage

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I oppose Bill 23, the Greenbelt should be protected as promised by Premier Ford. The natural environment, animal habitats and farmland should not be sacrificed and destroyed for urban sprawl.

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No. How is this even being considered? There is so much more land that could be used, specifically within city boundaries. We need to intensify urban areas that already are serviced with sewers, water, etc. This is such a bad idea. Also so many broken promises... Lire davantage

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Being part of an organization that sits within part of the Greenbelt removal, I know first hand of a developers wishes to buy our land. Low ball offers five years ago, meetings with their representatives, and finally harassment to encourage us to sell. Lire davantage

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I urge the Premier to: withdraw the plan to remove lands from the Greenbelt; get on with a meaningful Greenbelt expansion that reflects public input - repeatedly promised but never delivered by the Ford government; Lire davantage

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You cannot just re-assign land to be a greenbelt. These greenbelts are protected because of their location and the ecological services they provide to the human inhabitants nearby. Lire davantage

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Doug Ford, you made a promise. You said, "I want to be clear: we will not in any way entertain any proposals that will move lands in the Greenbelt, or open the Greenbelt lands to any kind of development". These were your words, your promise to the people of Ontario. You need to keep that promise. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt is not for profit. It's why it's protected in the first place. For a person in such a position, even thinking of taking down the protection of the green belt, shows that they do not have the peoples interests at heart, and their true intentions. Shame on Rob Ford!

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Absolutely 100% no. This plan is shortsighted, dangerous, and neglects very basic environmental and human rights. You're all on our very last nerve. We won't leave this one alone. Ford is a criminal, a thief, and a moron.

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Building on the greenbelt will not help address our housing issues and will cause irreparable harm to Ontario's natural environment. We all understand that this is only being done to enrich personal friends of Doug Ford and supporters of the Conservatives.

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Please leave the Greenbelt as it is, a Greenbelt. This should stay protected land and not sold off to developer friends of the primer. We need housing, but affordable housing. Resources need to be put towards preserving our land and respecting it.