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As a resident of Toronto, Ontario I am horrified that any houses or building plans will be laid on the territory of the current green belt. This is a short sited, money hungry grab to line the pockets of investors and corporations. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt is an invaluable corridor of land. Housing answers can be found if we build up density in gta, not more sprawl around it. If we destroy the greenbelt and wetlands now we will never get them back. Lire davantage

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The green belt is an important part of the environmental ecosystem, it’s protects wildlife and supports a vast diverse species native to North America. Please do not ruin this beautiful land. If I get a vote then it’s a NO.

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This proposal seems to be steeped in short-sightedness in regards to environmental impacts. The Greenbelt is not the stock market, where parties can swap existing designated parcels for non-designated parcels. Lire davantage

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To Whom It May Concern, Development of the green belt is myopic and runs counter to what we know are best practices with respect to combatting sprawl, traffic, climate change, ecological devastation, and losses in biodiversity. I would like to address these issues individually. Lire davantage

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Our housing woes will not be fixed by paving over important, protected greenbelt land. This greenbelt provides home and safety to a myriad of wildlife, insects, and flora that protect our health and our planet. Instead, please consider increasing density in the cities. Lire davantage

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This needs to be stopped. Our green belt is valuable and this cannot be reversed. Not only is this in direct contradiction with our need to slow down climate change but it is clearly benefiting a few rich people - developers while building homes that will have shaky infrastructure. Lire davantage

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This amendment is short-sight and a money grab. It will lead to further destruction of protected lands. The Ontario government needs to investigate sustainable, environmentally friendly solutions instead of rushing to destroy our lands. Lire davantage

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Shame on Premier Ford for even considering this. It is more and more apparent that the money obtained from Conservative Party supporters is what drives policy decisions with this government. If there were a real desire to do what was right, this plan would never have been considered. Lire davantage

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As it is there is all ready too much sprawl, and building houses in the greenbelt will not help this in the slightest. Instead of destroying more environment to build more houses, we should focus on improving the existing cities.

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I do NOT support the destruction of protected lands. Not only is this reneging on Ford’s 2018 promise that he would leave them alone, but it makes the surrounding areas more vulnerable to flooding. Lire davantage

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Opening up Greenbelt areas for development is completely unnecessary. There is so much unused/underused land in the GTA that can be developed to accommodate additional housing, in areas that already often have utilities and transportation infrastructure. Lire davantage

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The Green Belt is moraine land created by the slow movement of glaciers over millennia. I can't believe we'd abandon rich, prime farmland that gives us environmental cleansing and succor and which cannot be replaced with shoddy single family dwellings. It's short sighted and greedy thinking.