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Instead of lining the pockets of Dougie's buddies and destroying protected land to do it. Use that knowledge of moving money into the pockets of nurses and hospitals, instead of crooks who already have enough.

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I am writing to object strongly to the proposed amendments to the Greenbelt Plan by the provincial government that aims to remove key lands from the greenbelt and that undermines conservation efforts to ensure sustainable growth. Lire davantage

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I absolutely oppose the proposed amendments to the Greenbelt Act. I do not think that we should be building on the Greenbelt. It is more clear than ever, given the ridiculously warm November we’ve just experienced, that climate change is an issue. Lire davantage

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What a coincidence big PC donors just happened to buy the land that this bill would allow them to develop on before the election. I hope I’m that lucky one day!!!! This has farce written all over it. Protect the Greenbelt!

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This is an incredibly short-sighted plan that will not achieve the desired outcome both for housing shortage, housing costs and environmental damage (that is unless not-actually addressing these is a real goal) Lire davantage

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Don't open the green belt. Find alternatives to make housing cheaper. We may find over the next year that the demand isn't as we thought last year. Immigration to smaller rural areas and spread them out. Grants to create secondary suites. Intensify urban areas is allready happening. Lire davantage

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I am writing to state my opposition to the proposal to remove 7,400 acres of land from the Greenbelt, which was revealed on November 04. PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE LAND FROM ONTARIO’S GREENBELT AREA! Lire davantage

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If you attack the greenbelt even a inch you are making a attack on the clean air & nature of Ontario, please man they are already raping the rainforest can we atleast keep ours

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Building so called affordable housing in the Greenbelt is a very bad idea. This land is important for the environment, recreation and farming in Ontario. While affordable housing is important the proposed amendments will only be beneficial to high income earners and land developers. Lire davantage

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This is not a benefit to the public but a decision that will have long term negative effects. Housing can be more effective with better designed urban spaces. Don't develop the greenbelt, leave it as it was designed/zoned for, a green space that enriches the province.

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Please protect our green belt. This is a sensitive and unique feature in our beautiful province. Once it is gone, it is gone. We must not sell off our valuable environment for short term gains. My children and grandchildren will thank you.

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Bill 23 is not a housing strategy it is a ruse for developers to destroy precious land to build expensive houses for the privileged. We need conservation authorities to ensure that development does not threaten the environment that we all depend on. Lire davantage