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I am the current owner of lands within the noted area that is proposed to be removed from the Greenbelt Plan. I support the removal of these lands from the Greenbelt for the following reasons: Lire davantage

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Doug Ford made a specific promise to Ontario voters. He realized Greenbelts in Ontario were important and if he and his party wanted to win the election he had to make a specific promise. Don’t violate the greenbelts. Lire davantage

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Climate change is a serious growing issue driven by the emission of greenhouse gas emissions. We are already seeing the impacts of climate change and this will only perpetuate it's negative effects. We already have a solid highway system and I don't see the need to build another one. Lire davantage

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Global warming is a serious problem that has not been given the importance it requires. Projects like the one planned for the greenbelt only make our situation worse. Lire davantage

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Decisions today impact the environment we are leaving for our children and for generations to come. Let’s do the right thing now and think creatively about how we can solve the problems of today (creating more housing) and not create unsolvable problems for tomorrow. There is no going back. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt is where 53% of Ontario fruits are produced. That land was made to restrict urban sprawl. There are 72 species of insects protected on that land. This proposal is abhorrent and goes against the very people who elected him. Lire davantage

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This Proposal removes good agricultural land from production and infringes on valuable wetlands. Introducing residential development of this scale in this area needs much more study in order that future outcomes can be carefully assessed.

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As a voting resident of Ontario and an employee at an organization working towards sustainable food systems in Canada, I am deeply opposed to the proposed amendments to the Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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Please do not move forward with this plan. I work in architecture and understand the need for housing, but this is not the way to solve this problem. It will only cause other environmental problems down the road. Lire davantage

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Response to Ontario’s proposed Bill 23 November 25, 2022 An open letter to Premier Ford and Minister Clark Re: Bill 23 – More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 We are writing to you as leading architects, landscape architects, and urban designers in Ontario. Lire davantage

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PROTECT THE GREENBELT! I STRONGLY stand against the amendments that the Ford government is planning for the greenbelt. This is not what his people are asking for and this will have major impacts to younger generations way of living. Think smarter, not faster. Lire davantage

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I’m writing to you today in support of the Greenbelt, Conservation Authorities and Ontario’s wetlands, woodlands and other natural areas. Firstly, I am writing to state my opposition to the proposal to remove 7,400 acres of land from the Greenbelt, which was revealed on November 04. Lire davantage

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This deal stinks and should not be a burden for GTA taxpayers! The Ford government promised us they would not touch the green belt! We need independent oversight on a deal such as this!

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Protecting our lands and the resources they provide is of utmost importance. I fully support the expansion of the green belt protection. Removal of the protected lands should not be considered. Lire davantage