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The Greenbelt was carefully architected and contains complex ecosystems. You can't just "swap land." Also, municipalities just submitted their growth plans that accommodates growth up until 2051. There is no reason to be touching the Greenbelt. This will not help build more homes faster. Lire davantage

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Greenbelt is important to Ontario. We shouldn't open greenbelt to build more houses. If we need more homes for the new immigrants, we can just build more condos. It is not nessesary for everyone to live in a big house.

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This is UNACCEPTABLE. Environmental protections and saving our greenbelts matter now more than ever!!!! Ford STOP this.

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There is no good reason to develop into the greenbelt when we are currently struggling to pay for the infrastructure to support this type of sprawl. We need increased gentil density in our cities with multiple housing options including low rise, single family, stacked townhouses and semi detached. Lire davantage

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This is a horrible idea that does not solve the housing crisis at all. The green belt needs to be protected— we will have nothing left for our children and grandchildren and this is not only scary for our future but I have lost faith in our government.

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This is so wrong that one can only believe it will happen in Ontario. Not to mention it once again shows a government and party that lies and manipulates.

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Once the green belt is lost, there will never be an opportunity to reclaim these lands. The environmental damage will be immediate and the downstream impact to the quality of human life is undeniable. If the government’s goal is to build more homes, use the non green belt land more efficiently. Lire davantage

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I understand the need for housing..I disagree in using existing greenbelt lands in order to accommodate the need for housing .Use the brilliant minds of people in ontario to come up with alternative building outside of protected areas like greenbelt and invest in dynamic transporta Lire davantage

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Building over protected green space and desecrating the environment is a backwards decision. This is a critical time, where the fragility of our environment will determine the future of society. Your government needs to reconsider this decision. Lire davantage

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This is important. I am a millenial who works as an analyst and can't afford a home. I don't have much hopes of affording a home with this step but nevertheless its a right direction. Please don't let organized interests and bureaucracy shelve this plan. Lire davantage

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In this crucial time, as we witness climate change, all Greenbelts and natural areas must remain untouched. Today, November 5th, 2022, it was 22 C in many areas in Southern Ontario. Profit to a few, rather than the responsible mitigation of climate change? Lire davantage

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This is insane! Our city had a large debate about this and we agreed now is not the time. Look at how many empty office buildings stand due to covid?! With more working from home utilize existing lands before ruining what nature we have left. Lire davantage

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I am absolutely incredulous that this government is backtracking on it's promise to not touch the greenbelt. I live in the City of Hamilton and the people and Council have decided against expanding the urban boundary. Lire davantage

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I am greatly concerned over the decision to build new homes and another highway in the "protected" Greenbelt. It is for this very reason the land was protected in the first place and completely undermines conservation efforts. Lire davantage

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This is a short sighted and selfish proposal. The Greenbelt was originally set aside and protected as it is extremely ecologically sensitive and important land. Removing these essential sections of it would destroy much of its ecological value for short term gain. Lire davantage

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This proposal makes me sick to my stomach. Once you destroy the green belt you can never get it back. This is a lazy short sighted solution. Go back to the drawing board and do better.

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You promised to leave GreenBelt area alone . Do not allow any development on our natural environment areas that need protection. I object to any changes that will permit development . Adding housing can be accomplished in other ways - intensification with in urban serviced areas first !!!!! Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt is one of our greatest assets. We should not be carving away pieces of it for development. We must use our current land better by promoting density and missing-middle housing. We cannot keep destroying our environment including our clean water supply and farmland. Lire davantage