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Do you have any comments or concerns regarding the development and adoption of hydrogen or other low-carbon fuels for use in electricity generation? Lire davantage

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Following the end of the current 2021-2024 energy efficiency framework how could energy efficiency programs be enhanced to help meet electricity system needs and how should this programming be targeted to better address changing system needs as Ontario’s demand forecast and electrification levels gr Lire davantage

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Venfor Inc.

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- We are a team of technology agnostic developers and entrepreneurs with decades of experience in the Ontario electricity and natural gas sectors. - We firmly and respectfully believe that there is no singular solution to Ontario’s challenge of decarbonisation and electrification. Lire davantage

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Innergex Renewable Energy Inc

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We see substantial opportunity for Ontario to expand its clean electricity system through the addition of more wind, solar, run-of-river hydro, and energy storage than is envisioned in the Pathways to Decarbonization study. Lire davantage

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Steep Rock Energy/ SCI Investments

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The Steep Rock Energy Storage project is a major pump storage project located on the site of the abandoned Steep Rock mine, north of Atikokan, Ontario. A proposal was submitted to the IESO in June 2021, under the IESO’s unsolicited proposal process. Lire davantage

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Cariboo Low Carbon Fuels Ltd.

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Cariboo Low Carbon Fuels (Cariboo) is pleased to submit comments on the IESO Pathways to Decarbonization Study. Cariboo is a developer of green hydrogen, renewable natural gas (RNG) and other low carbon fuel projects in Canada. Lire davantage

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Ontario Rivers Alliance

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The Ontario Rivers Alliance (ORA) is a not-for-profit grassroots organization with a mission to protect, conserve and restore riverine ecosystems across the province. Lire davantage

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I have uploaded a separate .pdf file with comments from the Toronto East End Climate Collective (TEECC). Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding the posting of these comments. Lire davantage

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Ontario Power Generation

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Enclosed please find OPG's response to the Ministry of Energy's consultation questions regarding the Pathways to Decarbonization study. Lire davantage

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Ontario Environment Industry Association (ONEIA)

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On behalf of Ontario’s more than 3,000 environment and cleantech firms, the Ontario Environment Industry Association (ONEIA) is writing to provide our response to the Ontario Ministry of Energy to consider the following recommendations as it develops its response to Ontario’s Independent Electricity Lire davantage

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This submission is on behalf of the Power Workers' Union (PWU) and draws upon previous PWU advice to the government, the OEB and the IESO. Lire davantage

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Malta Inc.

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Comments on behalf of Malta Inc. (Note: This is a re-upload of the same info that was submitted May 12 -- re-posting to ensure compliance with what was requested. The uploaded file contains the same content, but it no longer contains any identifying information.) CONTEXT Lire davantage

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Toronto Region Board of Trade

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Detailed responses to the consultation questions are provided in the attached document, and the following is a summary of overarching themes: Clearing a Path Lire davantage

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Canadian Renewable Energy Association

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Please accept the attached document from the Canadian Renewable Energy Association as feedback on the IESO P2D report. Contact info for CanREA: Brandy Giannetta VicePresident 647-281-4288 Lire davantage