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Having reviewed the proposal, it's abundantly clear that the establishment of a contaminated soil treatment plant at 1490 Winhara Road is not just ill-advised, but downright reckless. Lire davantage

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This is a horrendous and terrible project for Muskoka. This is an area of wildlife and turtles as well as many houses, people and pets. Lire davantage

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I live on Winhara rd. I am, as my neighbors are as well are very concerned about this plant being built on our road. Many reasons for these concerns are the traffic and big trucks on our residential road where the speed limit is 50km. Lire davantage

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My concerns would be as follows 1. How is this going to impact the environment locally? - is it safe? - what will the long term effects be? 2. How will this affect current infrastructure? - can the road support the traffic? -will we constantly have food shortages in the stores Lire davantage

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This is not the right place for this facility. People close by have wells and if this seeps into the grounds who know how much of a radius this could effect. Lire davantage

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It looks like the truck traffic will need to use one of two major entrances into cottage country of Muskoka. Not a good look in tourist season having a parade of contaminated soil being dumped between Bracebridge and Gravenhurst. Lire davantage

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There is so much land in Canada, why do this in the middle of 2 small towns?

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Winhara Contaminated soil treatment plant. ERO# 019-8211 This message will echo the concerns and questions of the residents who live on Winhara road and the residents of Muskoka, who do not agree with the proposed contaminated soil treatment plant set to undergo at 1490 Winhara road. Lire davantage

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It's outrageous that the establishment behind the contaminated soil treatment plant at 1490 Winhara Road didn't have the decency to inform residents beforehand about their plan to blast the site. Lire davantage

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For a number of years on and off I have lived on Winhara road. There is currently no horn operating with the blasting and if rules are already not being followed I’m concerned this will continue during the treatment of contaminated soil in a residential area with wells. Lire davantage

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What are the risks that may impact the neighbouring airport that is federally regulated?

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-Air Quality; particles in the air from transportation to and from and processing of contaminated soils for ‘Soil Washing’ which include but not limited to the remediation of:   Lire davantage

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This proposal is damaging to our natural resources and should not be approved. Citizens and home owners in the area and municipality do not want this. Listen to the community and stop destroying our environment.

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It's doesn't take much thought to realize this area (Gravenhurst) is all water ...I mean, streams ,wetlands, ground water ,lakes,etc. Not a good place to wash soil. Or any other business with large volumes of potentially hazardous materials or chemicals Lire davantage

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The proposed site for de contamination of soil Winhara road is an incredibly misinformed Potentially life changing hazardous thing to plan! There are people and animals living in the area. What on earth gives the company a right to pollute the land and severely jeopardize the lives of others. Lire davantage

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The communication to the public on this has been abysmal, which unfortunately inspires critically minded citizens to wonder: what are they hiding; what is the true agenda here? Lire davantage

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Has a traffic study been done by the applicant? Will this be required before approvals? With the 100+ trucks bringing in soil per day 6 days a week what is the safety impact and long term impact to this road? Lire davantage

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As a concerned citizen who resides in Gravenhurst year round, I oppose the construction of this soil treatment plant. Lire davantage