I have two questions that…


I have two questions that Doug ford so far hasn’t answered, despite them being genuine questions:
1) if Doug is so worried about reducing congestion, then how is getting rid of a bike lane and forcing bikes into car lanes going to do that? Has he ever driven behind a bike? It significantly slows down traffic because the cars behind have to go the same speed as the bike in front of them. As a driver, I vastly prefer bikes having their own lanes so I can go faster in mine without having to slow down because a bike doesn’t have its own lane and has to now ride in front of me
2) if Doug’s actual goal was to reduce congestion, then why stop at removing bike lanes from roads? Frankly the biggest issue is whole cars parked in open lanes on the side of the road. Those cars actually reduce a whole lane of traffic. Why is parking on the side of major city arteries allowed?? I don’t ride a bike, I drive. But it’s hard not to feel like this is an attack on people who choose to bike given cars that are parked taking up a WHOLE LANE of traffic isn’t being discussed at all in this, but tiny bike lanes on the side of the road are being proposed to be removed…
Can the premier or anyone on his team please give an answer to these two questions? Because neither have been addressed to this point, I’m really forced to believe this issue isn’t about congestion at all and seems to be some weird populist vendetta against bikes in service of pushing more people to drive which … only increases congestion.