This bill would be a…


This bill would be a disaster for the city of Toronto. A more complete, interconnected cycling network encourages people to commute via bike and would reduce car traffic over the long term as more people switch modes.

I am both a driver and a bicyclist, and I think it’s unfair that people who do not own a car will have less choice for commuting. Why should all of our tax money and infrastructure go towards car drivers? Should we remove sidewalks too? Why not have roads dedicated just to cars covering every part of the city? Cyclists, pedestrians, handicapped people be damned.

There are more than enough studies that show expanding car lanes DO NOT solve congestion over the long term, and that more bike lanes and pedestrian-friendly roads are better overall for the communities in which they exist. The problem is that this provincial government is intent on prioritizing its own interests rather than doing actual research on why more complete streets benefit large cities. Just look at some of the most vibrant cities in Europe and even in North America (Montreal, Vancouver) to see the result of designing streets for all modes of transportation.

As a Canadian, as a Torontonian, I am ashamed of this government’s decision-making process. This regressive bill would set the city back 20 years. Please make complete streets a priority. This city will be worse off if you don’t.