As a casual cyclist who…


As a casual cyclist who bikes to run errands around the city, as well as commuting occasionally, the last thing the city needs is fewer bike lanes. A decade ago, I rode my bike nearly everywhere for every task that didn't require a car, but as the city has become more hostile towards cyclists, I find myself pushed to the edges, taking the Lakeshore Trail rather than surface streets to to east/west, and basically not going north due to there not being a safe way to do so.

Removing existing infrastructure in order to placate drivers is 100% the absolute wrong decision in a world of climate change and lack of public transit infrastructure. Adding more cars to the city will do nothing more than make traffic jams worse, car accidents more frequent, and drivers will still complain.

Rather that destroying what's already been created for cyclists, the city and province need to focus on improving the bike lanes as well as improving drivers' understanding of how cyclists and drivers can coexist.

As for the idea that cycle lanes are bad for local businesses, that is anecdotal at best as every major study shows that bike lanes either increase foot traffic to business or at worst don't cause a negative impact.

Do not remove the cycling infrastructure as that will only add fuel to the existing drivers vs bikes fire because it will put more cyclists into the roads (where else are we supposed to go if we lose bike lanes?) and will result in more accidents/fatalities.