This proposal from Ontario…


This proposal from Ontario is not just a misguided approach to managing traffic; it illustrates a glaring hypocrisy in the government's commitment to reducing gridlock while simultaneously erecting bureaucratic barriers that stifle the expansion of safe and effective bicycle infrastructure. By imposing stringent regulations and requiring municipalities to jump through hoops to create new bike lanes, the province is effectively discouraging active transportation options that could alleviate congestion.

The intention to "fight gridlock" is commendable but fundamentally flawed when pitched against the backdrop of reducing bike lane options. The notion that removing a bike lane would somehow benefit drivers is shortsighted. In reality, this approach will only serve to push more people into cars, exacerbating traffic problems rather than alleviating them. The simplistic idea that we can remedy gridlock by prioritizing car lanes over bike lanes ignores the growing body of evidence demonstrating that cycling infrastructure actually reduces the number of cars on the road.

Moreover, the logic behind requiring municipalities to justify the existence of bike lanes speaks to a lamentable lack of understanding regarding the benefits of cycling for urban mobility. Cities that invest in safe cycling environments often find that these options encourage more people to choose bikes over cars, ultimately leading to less congestion. Conversely, taking away bike lanes means less choice for residents and a return to car-dependent transportation, which clutters our roads and diminishes the quality of urban life.

Beyond all of this; this proposal becomes even more absurd when we consider that it is being championed by a conservative government, which traditionally advocates for limited government intervention and greater autonomy for municipalities. By imposing bureaucratic hurdles and centralized control over the creation of bike lanes, this administration is ironically overstepping the very principles it claims to uphold.