I live in downtown Toronto…


I live in downtown Toronto. I cycle to work, for errands and for pleasure. I have a car that I use for travel that is more then 100km distance. I am able to cycle and keep my car off the streets because of bike lanes. They are not always safe due to bad drivers, but it's safer then taking the lane with cars. I am a competent cyclist, but I am scared of the prospect of taking the lane with cars. There is no real enforcement downtown of bad drivers. The police do not have the resources to do this.
If you remove bike lanes not only will you add more cars to the city traffic, people will die.
Your statistic that 1.2% of people cycle to work is wrong, I don't know where this data came from. Cycling to work is not the only reason people cycle. Maybe those numbers too? Maybe finish the Eglinton cross town so that the suburban people have a reliable none car mode of transportation to get into town?