I oppose Bill 212. I believe…


I oppose Bill 212. I believe it to be a gross over-stepping of bounds by the provincial government. The people who know best what can be done for a city’s roads are the people who live in that city, the people who use them every day. I believe that Mayor Chow and the Toronto City Council are much better suited to decide where bike lanes will or will not exist in Toronto than the Provincial Government which has far more pressing Provincial concerns to be addressing. The health and prosperity of a city is dependent on the health and mobility of the people who live there and Bill 212 would set the priority to be having cars go as quickly as possible from one place to another instead of prioritizing the health and safety of the vast majority of the city’s residents who don’t own cars. It’s been shown time and time again in cities across Canada, all of North America, and the world, that adding more lanes for cars does not reduce traffic. It often makes traffic worse by incentivizing cars usage and ownership which in turn raises the need for car storage and parking which reduces the amount of limited land that can be used for housing and businesses, the places people want to go.