I am both a driver and a…


I am both a driver and a cyclist. I feel much safer on my bike when I am either on a side-street or on a bike lane if I am on a busy street. I am so grateful for the Bloor Street bike lane, and all bike lanes the city has installed. There are no convenient alternatives if you must go across that part of the city if the Bloor bike lane is scrapped. Biking is such a wonderful way to get around – it gives me exercise, connection me with the environment, and does not contribute to pollution or greenhouse gases. But it must be safe. The safer it is, the more people will bike. Biking is good for people, for Toronto and for the earth.

I support motions CC23.1 by Mayor Chow and MM23.14 by Councillors Saxe and Morley, regarding the proposed Ontario Provincial Bill 212 and the proposed section 195.2 of the Highway Traffic Act.

Thank you.