I am deeply troubled by the…

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I am deeply troubled by the complete disregard for the scientific community which has long been diminished to grant the Minister in making decisions on the basis of political expediency rather than actual data. If dedicated researchers have determined that a species is endangered, it is not a matter of politics whether it is or is not, it is only a matter of political will whether that species will indeed receive protections. A politician with no knowledge of a species' needs simply cannot, by definition, be sufficiently expert to decide if a species is at risk or not.

The new changes not only broaden that discretion to add a species to the list but also allows discretion, to a political person with no expertise, on HOW to protect the species and whether corporations may simply pay a small fine not directly correlated to the cost of the harm caused to the species to circumvent the rules altogether.

It is further troubling that the proposed legislation would seek to remove species on the list on the basis that we have harmed a species more extensively than our neighbouring provinces. It is irrational and may result in ecosystem collapse in other provinces because we are not carrying our weight.

Further, it continues to harm the province's green industry, which has already seen huge losses as a result of the government's reckless reversals on renewables, arbitrary contract cancellations, and antagonistic relationship with nation-wide conservation efforts.

This proposed legislation must be revised under supervision by conservation officers and scientists that would be best suited to advise the government on where red tape can be eliminated and where the legislation requires strengthening. Legislation reliant on scientific knowledge must rely on that knowledge in self-review as well or it is meaningless.