Section 1E By not…

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Section 1E
By not classifying a species as endangered in it's local Ontario habitats if it is in greater populations in other parts of the country
will negatively impact the local populations and possible push local communities to extinction.
The loss of the local genetic diversity would never be replaced and would have negative impact its native local ecosystem.

Section 4.
By imposing a "charge" in lieu of performing actions to protect local species at risk, developers will decimate local species.
The monies collected will never be able to bring those local species back. How will the monies collected be accounted for in
the Government's "strategic, coordinated and large-scale actions that assist in the protection and recovery of species at risk"?
This seems very vague. Would advertising promoting the current government's environmental policies be included in these "actions"?
Rich developers should be forced to be environmental stewards and these changes let them destroy habitat and pay a nominal fee.

Overall these changes read more like a business at risk policy were the species come second to development.