Through Halton Region Report…

Numéro du REO


Identifiant (ID) du commentaire


Commentaire fait au nom

The Regional Municipality of Halton

Statut du commentaire


Through Halton Region Report No. PW-31-19, the Region of Halton is providing the following comments on the Environmental Registry of Ontario (ERO 013-5101) regarding a discussion paper entitled “Modernizing Ontario’s Environmental Assessment Program”. In the “Made in Ontario
Environmental Plan – Preserving and Protecting our Environment for Future

1. Ensure better alignment between level of assessment and level of environmental
risk with a project – support this approach, replace arbitrary assessments like cost
(such as for roads in the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment) with
environmental risk based criteria for triggers used to determine the appropriate
level of rigour and assessment.

2. Eliminate duplication between environmental assessments and other planning and
approvals - support this concept and suggest that the Municipal Class
Environmental Assessment be better aligned with the Planning Act, in particular.

3. Find efficiencies in the environmental assessment process and related planning
and approvals process to shorten the timelines from start to finish – support the
introduction of timelines for review from all government agencies, allowing
proponents to initiate and streamline certain permits and approvals would shorten
timelines. Support the inclusion of how the timelines will be enforced.

Full information can be found contained within the attached report.

Supporting documents