With all due respect, I find…

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With all due respect, I find this proposal nothing short of disgusting and a complete disregard for life. I am shocked that we are having this debate in 2020 as climate change is killing our environment, which includes our own habitat where we and animals live.

More importantly, this proposal has stirred up so much angst and emotion that my friends and family are suffering from shock, anxiety and depression, telling me they want to die than to witness more of this insanity.

I cannot but stress that policy decisions must be based on evidence that includes social and health impacts. I know you have men with money and big guns lobbying but it is insane that in 2020, our government can be this narrow minded. As a Canadian, I can tell you I don’t want ignorant, murderers who disguise themselves as “tourists” coming here. The pain and suffering this will cause society and the costs will outweigh any benefits this type of tourism is purported to bring. I am vehemently opposed to this suggestion and insulted that you could believe in this day and age that something as controversial as bear hunting would be on the table.

I encourage you to rethink the broader impacts and understand that you will cause more mental health issues and be responsible for the lives of people who cannot handle the monstrosity of this becoming a reality.

My last word on this is simply NO!