We don't have the right to…

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We don't have the right to kill anyone for pleasure, for entertainment, for financial gain. The question should not be about increasing or tailoring the hunt, but eliminating the hunt as unnecessary and unethical.

Anytime a hunt happens, mothers are separated from their babies, who cannot survive without them. There is no evidence of culling animals being beneficial. There has never been a bear attack on a human in Ontario, as far as I know.

Our governments do not have the right to legislate who lives and who dies. This has happened throughout human history, and we are appalled at it when we look back at it from a modern perspective. It's 2020. We don't need to kill. And we don't need to see anyone as less than us. Animals are animals, and we are among them. Whenever we see someone as other, and believe that we have the right to kill them, we later realize how appalling this is.

We have at various times throughout history believed that we had the right to kill people because they were "other" or different from us. Because they were indigenous, because they were black, because they were gay, because they were Jewish, because they were Muslim, because they were not like us. We didn't have that right in the past, and we don't have that right now.

We are all animals, and we all have a right to be free and to be free from harm.