Hello, I am deeply concerned…


I am deeply concerned about the inappropriate expansion of MZOs as part of the COVID recovery act. The public health crisis, although extended by Ontario's hesitancy to take clear action in the past month (eg 'lockdown light'), is on a much smaller timescale than the types of projects in the Planning Act.

Specifically, I am concerned about the ability of the Minister to allow urban sprawl and development/destruction on greenspace (eg wetland, forest blocks, even agricultural land) and the subsequent consequences of habitat destruction. Habitat destruction is the key threat to species at risk in Southern Ontario, and the ecosystem services provided by intact ecosystems (eg water filtration & other water cycle management, cultural services and tourism, climate resiliency) are very difficult to rehabilitate/restore once disturbed.
In fact, many experts are linking human destruction of nature with human-animal disease outbreaks such as COVID and Ebola (see links), as well as the other more well-known human health impacts of the destruction of nature.
Although I appreciate the exclusion of Greenbelt Area, that is clearly not enough protection for the vast areas of greenspace within the province.

I very much approve of the section on Inclusionary Zoning within urban (or town/village) or already built-up areas, but am concerned about the financial sustainability of such inclusionary zoning for new greenfield suburban developments (urban sprawl) with the increased infrastructure costs, access to amenities & cities services, and transportation requirements. The associated costs to the public (roads, schools, waterlines, expanded transportation/waste collection routes, etc) and the individual (personal vehicle, commute time, isolation, lack of access to services) is not well-planned.

I am also concerned about Site Plan Control tool to be used as an even worse replacement to the Ontario Municipal Board's practice of undermining municipal planning, with even less transparency and more concentrated power. Here in Ottawa we are undergoing multi-year process of creating the Official Plan and associated Master Plans for the next decade, and all the careful work, study, public engagement could be destroyed by a minister's whim or personal opinion.

This is an example of 'throwing the baby out with the bathwater' and giving too much concentrated power to a minister/elites (not 'for the people') rather than 'simply cutting red tape'.