Thank you for allowing my…


Thank you for allowing my comments regarding the legislation of MZO's in general, and specifically how an MZO has affected me, specifically with the MZO granted for the Xinyi Glass Factory proposal for Stratford, Ontario. The changes to the Planning Act through Bill 197, is extremely concerning since it enables the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to direct with impunity how land in Ontario will be developed, through an MZO. This threatens the environment and democracy and takes all power away from elected municipal councils, and from the local citizenry – and hands it over the Minister and the Province. The changes made under Bill 139 consolidated the power to re-zone any piece of property in Ontario, outside of the Greenbelt, under the sole authority of the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. That same Bill 139 removed any oversight or right of appeal that once existed, and legislated that the Minister alone would have the authority to make, change or revoke any zoning order basically giving the Minister the power to dictate what can be built where, and by whom.
Before that Bill, a municipality had the authority to use the site plan control tool within the Planning Act to address specific site plan matters for a parcel of private land, and this authority allowed the municipality to both set and enforce the terms of development for that land within their boundaries., The public has the right for consultation and the Ministry has no business coming in heavy handed and granting MZO's in this tyrannical manner. It is undemocratic.
The granting of an MZO completely overrides a municipality’s site plan control and should not allow the Minister to: require inclusionary zoning, remove municipal use of site plan control and require agreements between the municipality and development proponent (or landowner) concerning site plan matters, (i.e. force a municipality to consent to the development and the specific terms of that development) and; make amendments to Minister’s Zoning Orders that use any of these enhanced authorities without first giving public notice (i.e. make any changes the Minister sees fit without consulting the public, municipality or anyone else in the process).
Bill 197 has brought about undemocratic use of MZO’s on environmentally sensitive lands. It's ability to grant MZO's has brought about an egregious overreach on the part of the Minister and the Province.
Please put a stop to this now.