Good afternoon, I am…


Good afternoon,

I am strongly opposed to this proposed change to the Act. This represents a move to further strip the municipalities of their powers, with significant negative implications for us as residents of Ontario. The speed and recklessness with which Doug Ford has, unlike any other provincial government to date, used MZO‘s as a tool for re-distributing public land and decision-making power to his campaign-funding developer allies is deeply concerning and representative of the authoritarian shifts in politics we have seen south of the Canadian border.

I am an active member of my community, and take great interest and pride in working with the municipality and industry partners in building communities that are accessible for all and healthy thriving places to live. The override of public consultation opportunities and community engagement as a result of the MZOs being used in my neighbourhood and around this province, is of great concern and should make all Ontarians pause and consider the future of our democratic rights.
