I do not support removing…

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I do not support removing any land from the greenbelt. It has been designated as protected in order to preserve for future generations. It cannot simply be removed as politicians see fit, our green space is more than politics. Once greenbelt it should remain greenbelt. As someone who grew up in Europe, we will regret removing greenbelt near cities when we no longer have green spaces in 50-100 years.

The housing issue is not lack of houses, nor land to put them. There are half a dozen houses within two blocks of me that have sat empty for 2 years while developers and flippers wait for permits. Densify our cities before sprawling, build up, build smarter, incentivise other large cities in the province to start new developments. But don’t build on protected land.

You cannot take here and add there, it is not a like for like comparison. Please protect our greenspace as it is currently for future generations. In fact, lets add more to it, and not take anything away!

Thank you