I am vehemently against this…

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I am vehemently against this proposal. The proposal is being positioned as a way to preserve the livelihood of *24* licensees; however, it ignores the horrific cruelty and life of terror that such facilities inflict on the captive wildlife.

These operations are inherently cruel in that they involve confining farmed or trapped coyotes, foxes, and rabbits to compounds where packs of hunting dogs are encouraged to chase, harass and kill these captive animals. A condition of the license is that there is no escape for these unfortunate creatures (O. Reg. 668/98, s. 35 (2)). The regulations allow these trials to last all night long ((O. Reg. 668/98, s. 33 (4)). The animals can be hunted for all but 72 hours a week (O. Reg. 668/98, s. 42 (4)). Trials can go on for three days straight (O. Reg. 668/98, s. 42 (6)), and there can be as many as 50 dogs hunting at one time (O. Reg. 668/98, s. 42 (1)).

This is not simply a case of “Tag! You’re it!” The regulations clearly recognize that these trials result in the maiming or death of the captive wildlife (O. Reg. 668/98, s. 35 (5)).

Can you imagine being trapped, forcibly relocated, released into unfamiliar territory, and hunted daily? Eventually, your luck runs out, and you are caught and mauled by the dogs, torn limb from limb, or shot by the facility operator. Animals caught up in this system cannot be released back into the wild. Death is their only escape. What a terrible, sad life we are condemning these animals to live; years of terror that culminate in a slow and painful death.

These victims are not “just a bunny” or “just a fox.” Anyone who has cared for animals knows they are all thinking, feeling creatures. They know pain and fear. Wild animals who have the misfortune to cross our paths are not our playthings to be treated cruelly.

This “train and trial” activity is in the same league as cock fighting and pit bull fights. Ontario is the *only* province in Canada where this barbaric activity continues. Surely, we have advanced since the days of Roman blood sports.

Instead of opening new applications, remove this initiative from the Bill 91, Less Red Tape, Stronger Economy Act, 2023 and close the existing facilities immediately.