ERO: 019-8211 Ministry…

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ERO: 019-8211
Ministry Reference Number: 2835-CYXSEY

My family and I have many concerns about the proposed waste disposal site at 1490 Winhara rd. I am a resident on Winhara rd. and this road is considered to be more of a residential area rather than an area for business.

1. This will cause a danger to wildlife. Many species make their homes here. Breeding or passing through we often see them crossing the road. There are wetlands around the site. It's home to the beavers, turtles, birds, and any deer or other wildlife passing through. And you have already destroyed many of their habitats with your blasting. As well as destroying their habitats, snapping turtles as currently listed as a special concern under both the Ontario Endangered Species Act, 2007 and the Federal Species at Risk Act.

2.The increased traffic will also noise and air pollution bring safety concerns and limits to access the road for residents. With an increase of truck traffic on this road you risk limiting access to people needing to go to work or school on time. This road gets busy enough if the highway shuts down. This is a secondary road meaning it was not built to the standards to have continuous truck flow carrying toxic waste. There is little shoulder, no median lines, no turning lanes, or sidewalks. There will be backup traffic on our highways that are already busy enough with the population increase in the summer from tourists. Will this new industry cause commotion when it comes to tourists which is a big part of Muskoka's summer income? No one wants to travel to a "dirty" town to relax. It would totally shift the world's view of beautiful Muskoka. We also suffer from lots of accidents where Winhara meets Highway 118 as well as where Highway 11 meets with Highway 118. Adding increased volume of traffic will make it more common for accidents to occur and most would be fatal if it's involved with a truck.

3. I'm concerned about water contamination for our residents. These houses have been here for a very long time and most people are running off of well water like ourselves. With the blasting going on it can disrupt the natural underground water systems that carry water straight to our wells. The solution that will come into our water from contaminants. Where is all the water going to come from to operate your site? Is this water going to be taken from our well systems? Our water naturally drains into Muskoka lake and beyond so you are risking contaminating more than just your site; it could possibly end up all over Muskoka or beyond.

4. Machinery and trucks will cause air noise pollution. There is very little noise in the down season and even when it picks up it won't come close to what you people are intending to bring in. We will not be able to enjoy the outdoors until well after the shut down and the trucks have left. People wouldn't even be able to leave their windows open because you are taking away the non polluted air.

5. Property value will go down because of your proposal. Who will cover the difference? If no one, then the town should lower taxes for residents on this road.

In closing I don't believe we as a community are responsible for dealing with other community's waste problems. Instead of allowing Muskoka to expand in business and residential this would deter many prospects. Who would want to work or live in this area?