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No cause were on well water and our property bumps up to ours don't need this on Winhara rd we don't need dump trucks coming up and down our new road

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I do not approve this what dose this do to the water table and would not like all the dump trucks comeing up and down the road as it will not be good for the road as we just finally got a new road thanks and I live on this road

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Don’t need this here. Will only ruin our quiet road and not to mention the pollution from this ?? Find somewhere else.

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This is not right we do not need this in or around here. Take this idea somewhere else but not in or around Gravenhurst or Bracebridge I have family on winhara road and this is not wanted or needed no one on that road want this there or anywhere.

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I live on winhara road, and I’m on well water. I do NOT want this seeping into my well, as many others do not. Dump trucks already fly up and down winhara, fully knowing there is kids and animals and what have you. There is plenty of property just outside town that won’t affect anyone.

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As a resident of Winhara Road Gravenhurst ontario we are deeply concerned that runoff, contaminates general wear and tear on the road, increased traffic on our road will be a severe detriment. Lire davantage

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Way too close to residents. We just spent so much money building an arena where the whole areas kids will be playing just 10 mins away? This is unacceptable

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We do not need or want this or similar type of operation in Gravenhurst or any part of Muskoka. This area is the finest tourist area in Canada and that should be the focus.

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There a lot of Environmentally protected areas around this, also there are a lot of houses including mine on dug wells directly around this property at 1490 winhara rd. Lire davantage

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In regards to the contamination soil plant, there is environmentally protected land neighbouring the small 32 acre lot, I can’t even put a house or shed with in so many meters of EP land anywhere and they are asking to bring in contaminated soil? Lire davantage

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Bad business. Keep that stuff in the city . More traffic . More environmental losses . Not worth the cost to our eco systems and air quality . Just no .

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The road will be to busy with the dump truck I won’t bell allowed to to take my kids for walks I be to worried about the dump trucks

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This soil treatment plant (1490 Winhara road) is not in the correct location for this type of facility. This area is very residential with many young families on well water. I’m very worried about the added large vehicle traffic along with the risks of contamination and noise pollution on the road. Lire davantage

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I live in this area. The nearest intersection (Highway 11 and Winhara) is in no way designed to handle this type of traffic with no room for expansion. Just last year there was a fatal accident in this intersection. The road is not suited for the increase in traffic this would bring.

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As a concerned resident, I oppose the establishment of a contaminated soil treatment plant at 1490 Winhara Road. The increased truck volume associated with the plant will undoubtedly damage the road infrastructure, creating safety hazards for both drivers and pedestrians alike. Lire davantage

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Thank you for sharing the proposal. After reviewing it, I remain firmly opposed to the establishment of a contaminated soil treatment plant at 1490 Winhara Road. Lire davantage

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I am opposed to the issuance of an ECA for this project. The proposed project will increase noise emissions and dust emissions in the surrounding area due to truck traffic. As well, there will be excessive wear and tear on the highway. Lire davantage

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The proposed soil contaminant washing facility is in a terrible location. It is near residential housing and sensitive environmental land. The access points off highway 11 onto 118 and Winhara road is a very busy road into the town in Bracebridge. Lire davantage

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I strongly disagree with the plans to have a contaminated soil treatment plant in Gravenhurst off of Winhara road. There are many homes in the area, older people who have lived here for years. Many people walk along Winhara, and there are no sidewalks. Lire davantage

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I live on Winhara Road and I am strongly against this proposed use of this site due to well water contamination and the trucks that will be carrying soil etc to this site. This road is residential and already has large trucks delivering logs and fill all day long. Lire davantage