ERO: 019-8211 To whom this…

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ERO: 019-8211

To whom this may concern,

I am writing to express my profound concern and opposition to the proposed waste disposal site in our community. As an Indigenous person living on the road directly affected by this project, I am deeply troubled by the potential environmental and cultural impacts it may have on our land, water, and way of life.

As a resident and someone deeply committed to environmental stewardship and social responsibility, I am particularly concerned about the potential impact of this project on the Indigenous communities in the surrounding area.

It is crucial to recognize and uphold the Duty to Consult with Indigenous groups as outlined in various legal frameworks and court rulings.

This duty is not just a legal requirement but also a moral and ethical obligation to engage in meaningful dialogue and seek the free, prior, and informed consent of Indigenous communities whose lands and resources may be affected by the proposed project.

I urge your company to prioritize meaningful engagement with the Indigenous groups in the area throughout the decision-making process. This includes actively involving them in discussions, providing them with relevant information in a timely manner, and genuinely considering their perspectives, concerns, and traditional knowledge.

Furthermore, it is essential to conduct a thorough and transparent environmental assessment that takes into account the potential impacts of the disposal site on the land, water, wildlife, and human health, including any disproportionate impacts on Indigenous communities and individuals.

By demonstrating a genuine commitment to consultation, collaboration, and environmental stewardship, your company can work towards building positive relationships with Indigenous communities, fostering trust, and ultimately, achieving sustainable and mutually beneficial outcomes for all stakeholders involved.

Before I would even consider supporting this project, I need assurance that your company has fulfilled its Duty to Consult obligations and has taken meaningful steps to engage with Indigenous communities.

Failure to do so would not only be a violation of our rights but also a disregard for our well-being and the integrity of our land.
I eagerly await your response and look forward to hearing about the actions your company has taken to engage with Indigenous communities in our area.

Thank you for considering my concerns. I hope that your company will take the necessary steps to uphold the Duty to Consult and engage in a meaningful dialogue with Indigenous groups throughout the decision-making process.
