As a longtime resident of…


As a longtime resident of Dresden, a beautiful small little town of rich history and nature, I firmly believe that is it imperative for York1 to conduct a full environmental assessment of the area purchased. The idea that they could potentially move forward with this massive landfill without having completed a comprehensive assessment to fully ensure that they won’t be affecting the watershed and wildlife in the area is beyond me. If they can get the green light to build this monstrosity of a dump in the backyards of our town, how will this affect our community and economy in the surrounding areas of Chatham-Kent? Allowing them to move forward with this will give leeway to other major corporations to build a dump in your backyard too. I am so worried for my parents, my friends and neighbours and their well-being especially if they will be burning hazardous materials such an asbestos so close to a town. It rots me to my core knowing that this company will do more harm than good for anyone just for the money. They will kill the wildlife of the Sydenham River. Who’s to say that they won’t do this in another town as well? Please I beg of you, make them do a full environmental assessment.