I write you to share our…


I write you to share our towns and our Mayor's and our city councilors displeasure at the thought of the
potential Economic, Healthcare & Housing impacts, this proposed Landfill / Transfer station would have on Dresden and the wider ranging outlying communities

Our pre-confederation town situated in the provincial riding of Lambton Kent Middlesex & and municipal riding of Chatham - Kent host Ridge Landfill taking in 1.3 million Tonnes annually going up to 1.6 million tonnes, & Twin Creek Landfill taking in 1.4 million tonnes annually, making them 2 of the largest in Canada. Why should Dresden host the 3rd largest landfill?

Tucked along agricultural county roads, the winding Sydenham river encircles century farms. Historic oil fields, wind turbines and greenhouses dot the landscape. Considered growth that does not outpace infrastructure gives rise to modern housing developments, sustains food manufacturing, with a modern approach to trade and tourism that makes us a leader in the recreation & cottage industry.

As a community, we have actively worked to reduce waste entering our municipal facility through reusable dishes at public events, donation drop offs, etc. The Ridge Landfill where 15 thousand tons household, & 38 thousand tons of industrial C-K waste enters annually. While York 1 has contracts to deposit 70 thousand Tonnes annually (1 tonnes to tons = 1.10231 tons) at the Ridge Landfill, (contract renewal August 1st 2024.) and seeks to Import 365 thousand tonnes Landfill material annually & 2.55 million tonnes of other Waste for processing into our Town.
We recognize the impact on other host communities along Ridge Landfill’s Attenuation Burm. The Eight generation Thompson Farm who did not sell out to the landfill, had lost 50 % of their business in yr 1, sued & won, and since then, has lost acres of food production due to landfill dust coating crops, and is still in litigation. Homeowners who stayed are impacted & get $12 thousand a yr for inconveniences experienced. Those who attempted to sell after the landfill was established, & failed to sell were bought out by the Landfill.

Studying the York 1, 195 Bethridge Rd Toronto, ON M9W 1N4 Canada Transfer station table of contaminants threshold in the ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE APPROVAL NUMBER 1951-BHHMWV Issue Date: February 28, 2020 document, we get an understanding of the chemicals intended to be imported, washed & discharged into our waterways & buried on our doorsteps. Additionally the cautions around wind, noise, dust / odor, including diesel discharge, the logging / handling of exceeded chemical tolerances and study of the chemicals listed in the Toxic Substances Portal, reinforces our opposition to this Project, its Location, its Wastewater discharge plans & the negative effects it will have on our waterways, fisheries & farms. https://wwwn.cdc.gov/TSP/PHS/PHS.aspx?phsid=711&toxid=128 https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/idlh/75718.html

York 1’s proposal for the Dresden transfer station lists asbestos bearing materials. Through research we have identified York 1 demolition projects Re: buildings containing asbestos, where through the process micro particulate asbestos become attached to secondary non baggable materials like cement, and bricks destined for open air crushing and the very dirt being excavated for soil washing / remediation.

We have already looked at the peer reviewed science, our town of approximately 2800 homes is growing, would be less than 600 meters from this property. (best science shows a 5 kilometer minimum safe distance to landfills) Our historic town would have to choose between our Children’s Health and Homes or moving. Farmers in the region would have to choose between Food Biosecurity, providing produce to the Heinz product line and the best quality Soy sold through International Trade Agreements, or permanent loss of market share if this Landfill / Transfer Station goes ahead.

We ask the minister to deny this project and keep Dresden, the surrounding Communities, Farms and Businesses as a vital growing part of Ontario’s Economy and expanding Housing Stock.
The ministry as well as York1 keeps touting this is a new landfill piggy backing off an old outdated number from a now closed landfill.
This closed landfill was only landfilled 95% fly ash and was never intended to be used as York1 wants it to be used for.

Although this town does agree a full environmental assessment is required for this proposal because there has never been a full E.A done for this property in over 25 years, our town highly agrees that Bill 197 should be implemented immediately ( before you proceed with a full E.A), to save this town and the local environment because this proposed new landfill is 500 meters from their most southern berm and their property, and this governments Bill 197 does state no new landfill should be allowed less than 3.5 km away from communities, homes and schools.

The environmental and health impact of this type of business so close to everyone will damage our children's health, our homes, our agricultural region where we grow food for all of Ontario and the environment ,as well be detrimental to all the endangered species that can not be found anywhere else in the world but in the Sydenham River and Molly's Creek.
There are already 2 huge landfills in our region and we do not need another one so close to our homes, that will be taking asbestos, organic waste and garbage and from all over Ontario.

We are trying to be apart of the climate clean up in our region.
The huge amounts of trucks (700 daily) spewing their emissions on our roads that can not handle that many trucks on our infrastructure on a 24 hour, 7 day a week basis.
There are no other landfill recycling stations that run 24 /7.

Why does York1 feel they can put this type of facility in our community, when it has been made clear, that NOBODY, no city councilor or Mayor or resident in either community that is so close to this property, wants this here.
There are better places that are closer to major highways that can be more acceptable than piggy backing off an old ERO number for an already closed property.

Please do not let this happen, because if close to 3000 people decide they will have to move when there is already such a problem with no extra available housing in Ontario, where does this government expect everyone to go?