As a resident of Dresden, I…


As a resident of Dresden, I am highly opposed to this proposal.

My home is 2.2 kms, by road to this site. As the crow flies, 1.1 kms.

Part of Bill 197 gives a municipality the right to reject "New" landfills that are up to 3.5 kms outside of their municipal boundaries.

This "rule amendment" was made for a reason. Is it that a landfill any closer to a municiple boundry could have the potential to harm the residents? Whether through airborn particles or pollutants, such as noise, odor? I will reinterate, my home is only 1.1 kms as the crow flies.

Although the original site is not "new", it certainly hasn't been active in many many years, and it was never intended to be used in the capacity that York1 is proposing. Which is why they have bought surrounding properties to expand. Therefore, this proposal is no longer based only on the original site.

My family roots originate in this area. Although I have lived all over Ontario, from Cornwall to London, Strathroy, Minesing and finally back to Dresden.

This is where I am now retired with my husband. This is where my son and grandson live. This is where my grandson goes to school. This is where we want to spend the rest of our lives. We chose Dresden because of the quiet, fresh air, sense of community, safe neighbourhoods, slower paced living. Being able to drive to the local grocery store without being stuck in traffic, going to bed at night and hearing crickets.

If York1 is allowed to proceed as planned the quiet, fresh air, lack of traffic and the crickets at night will be replaced with countless trucks 24/7 coming and going on our county roads, back up beepers from heavy equipment 24/7, airborne and noise pollution 24/7. Certainly not the life I was expecting when we came back to Dresden 20 years ago.

I won't speak to matters of underground natural gas pockets in our area, or the effect to our farm water wells, or the HUGE HUGE, enviromental impact to Mollys Creek and the Sydenham River. There are experts who are far more knowledgable on those subjects than I.

I can only speak from my heart as a wife, mother, grandma, friend, neighbour and resident of Dresden who loves her quiet, fresh aired, non traffic, cricket chirping community and I am imploring you to please reject this proposal.