RE: Township of Warwick…


RE: Township of Warwick Comments Related to York1 ECA Amendment Number 019-8417

Warwick Township is writing to provide comments in support of the proposed proposed designation under the Environmental Assessment Act of the landfill site and waste transfer and processing expansion in Dresden (ERO 019-8417).

As the host community to one of the largest landfills in the country, Twin Creeks Landfill, Warwick Township has a direct understanding of the significant impacts that landfill operations can have on a community. Twin Creeks Landfill is currently undergoing an environmental assessment for a proposed expansion, which highlights the importance of robust assessment processes for landfill projects. The proposed expansion will have significant impact on the Warwick community.

Further, Warwick Township calls upon Minister Khanjin to provide Warwick Township with the same public statement providing guarantees of a full environmental assessment for Twin Creeks Landfill proposed expansion as those afforded to the York1 landfill proposal. It is essential that all aspects of the environmental, social, and economic impacts of landfill projects are thoroughly reviewed and assessed to ensure the well-being of our communities and environment.

Warwick believes that all communities should have the same opportunity to comment on proposed landfill changes and actions, as the impact on that specific community will be large. For this reason, Warwick supports the proposal on ERO 019-8417.

In addition, Warwick supports the submissions made by the County of Lambton regarding the Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) amendment (#019-8313) related to York1 Environmental Waste Solutions Ltd.'s operations at 29831 Irish School Road, Dresden, Ontario. We note with concern the discrepancies and outstanding technical questions highlighted in the County of Lambton's submissions dated April 9, 2024, and March 14, 2024, regarding York1's ECA amendment applications. The County's thorough review underscores the need for comprehensive environmental assessments to evaluate the full range of potential impacts associated with landfill developments, including traffic, noise, hydrogeological concerns, and consultation with Indigenous communities.

Furthermore, we support the position of the Council of Dawn-Euphemia Township in advocating for transparent and thorough assessments of landfill projects. All communities, including Warwick Township, deserve the same opportunities for involvement and assessment when significant waste management projects are proposed within their jurisdictions.

In conclusion, Warwick Township urges the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks to approve the amendment listed as ERO 019-8417, to prioritize the concerns raised by the County of Lambton and ensure that York1's ECA amendment applications undergo rigorous scrutiny and a transparent consultation process (ERO 019-8313). Warwick also urges Minister Khanjin to provide a public statement that guarantees the Twin Creeks landfill will be required to complete a full environment assessment process. The public assurance that the ongoing public process will be guaranteed to be completed would be beneficial to our community.

Thank you for considering our comments on this matter. Should you require any further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.


Amanda Gubbels
Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)/Clerk
Township of Warwick