Regarding Bill 185 We are…


Regarding Bill 185
We are neighbours to Waterloo Region and totally understand the concern about protecting local fresh water resources. Here in Guelph and Wellington County we too depend on our ground water to sustain our communities. The removal of Planning Authority from the Region of Waterloo could jeopardize, compromise, and even eliminate most environmental protections including the Countryside Line, Protected Countryside, Environmentally Sensitive Landscapes, and ESPA areas and if Planning Authority is removed that we require Greenbelt expansion for adequate protection of primary groundwater recharge areas.

There are very concerning changes that eliminate the ability for citizens to appeal development decisions to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT), changes what constitutes “public notice”, and changes the criteria for the opening of settlement area (urban) boundaries that will allow almost unlimited urban expansion onto farmland.

I would respectfully Recommend:

- Planning Authority should be retained by the Region of Waterloo, our Countryside Line remain intact, and forced boundary expansions eliminated,
- If Planning Authority is removed Greenbelt expansion is required to adequately protect the Waterloo Moraine,
- Changes to Settlement Area Boundaries should not be permitted outside of regular municipal comprehensive review periods,
- Proposed changes to MZO’s could be good but require more understanding,
- It is fantastic to see the absurd Community Infrastructure and Housing Accelerator (CHIA) introduced by Bill 109 rescinded,
- Planning Act Sections dealing with limiting Third Party Appeals should be rescinded,
- The Attorney General should disclose all communications with municipalities and developers requesting changes to third party appeal rights,
- The Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) should be required to permit third party appeals,

We need visionary leadership here in Ontario. Leadership that will plan for seven generations from now. If your plans do not pass this test, they need to be revised.