Growth. We all need growth…


Growth. We all need growth. Children grow up. Adults grow mature. In the Natural world, the existence of every being, plants, trees, animals, humans, depend on this natural growth.
But unnatural, uncontrolled growth is called cancer.
Canada has a large landmass but only about 5% is suitable for farming. These 6 % include prairie land that’s only suitable for grazing. Only 4% you can actually grow crops. The most fertile out of these 4% we find right here in Waterloo Region and surrounding Townships. Nowhere else in Canada and only a few selected places in the world, like the Ukraine, we find soil and climate as good as here.
To think we can pave over one block of land after the other of this rare but live sustaining resource our very existence depends on, is not just a war against democracy, but a war against any common sense.

The farm and food sector is the largest Economy in Ontario. Creating, Canada wide, 3 times as much in GDP as the automotive sector, over $90 Billion in export every year.

Luckily we have in Ontario 95% of landmass we can not grow food but we can develop for housing, industry to welcome new citizens and grow. If only we start to think outside of the box and grow were growth is not destroying the industry everyone depends on, the farm and food industry.