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- allow for project aggregation - allow for carbon utilization to be eligible as a project type (i.e. carbon conversion in concrete with CarbonCure's technology) - allow for accelerated approval paths for protocols that have been adopted by other offset systems [Original Comment ID: 211444]

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Ms. Vidya Anderson, Project Manager, Environment & Climate Change Environmental Program Planning &Implementation Branch 135 St. Clair Ave; West 11th Floor,Toronto, Ontario, M4V 1P5 Lire davantage

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For our comments, please refer to our comment letter sent to Vidya Anderson. Please include our comment letter on the public record. Thank you, Kris Kolenc Coordinator, Research & Sustainability REALPAC [Original Comment ID: 211984]

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Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments on “Developing a Voluntary Carbon Offsets Program for Ontario (EBR Registry Number: 013-1634), these comments are submitted on behalf of South Nation Conservation (SNC), an Eastern Ontario Conservation Authority covering 4,384 km2, with 16 municipali Lire davantage

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Posted to EBR and Submitted to: Vidya Anderson, Project Manager Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) Environmental Programs Division, Program Planning and Implementation Branch 135 St. Clair Avenue West, Floor 11, Toronto, Ontario M4V 1P5 Lire davantage

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January 15, 2018 Vidya Anderson Project Manager Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change Environmental Programs Division Program Planning and Implementation Branch 135 St. Clair Avenue West Floor 11 Toronto, Ontario M4V 1P5 Dear Ms. Anderson, Lire davantage

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1. Are there additional priorities related to the development of the proposed voluntary carbon offsets program that have not been considered in this document? Lire davantage

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Dear Ms. Anderson: Re:EBR Registry Number 013-1634 Developing a Voluntary Carbon Offsets Program for Ontario “Discussion Paper” Lire davantage

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I am currently president of a renewable energy design / build company and am past Chair of the Biogas Association. We are specifically involved in developing small scale distributed energy systems, many of our customers are Ontario farms. Lire davantage

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SCOUT ENVIRONMENTAL 30 Commercial Road Toronto, ON M4G 1Z4 January 15, 2018 Vidya Anderson Project Manager Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change Environmental Programs Division Program Planning and Implementation Branch 135 St. Clair Avenue West, Floor 11 Lire davantage