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Changes to the Endangered Species Act should improve protections, not water them down even further. Lire davantage

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The government should not make it easier for industry and developers to disturb and pollute nature where at risk species need protection most!!!!!!!

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Hi, Such a disappointing piece of information to receive from our govt whom we expect to care as much about the environment and the creatures in it as we do. Lire davantage

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As Ontario voters, we believe that Ontario's Endangered Species Act should be strengthened to protect more wildlife and wild places. The World Wildlife Fund says that more than half of Ontario's endangered species are in decline, and this must stop now.

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• Changes to the Endangered Species Act should improve protections, not water them down even further. Lire davantage

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My husband and I feel it is extremely important for the environment and for a future that includes all manner of species for the enjoyment and wonder of generations to come, that all species be protected.

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As a resident of Ontario, I want to protect the wildlife of our province and I expect my provincial government to do the same. A species in decline needs our help to regain status. Once a species is lost a part of our heritage is lost forever. We will not let that happen on our watch. Lire davantage

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Our economy loses money because of climate change. By choosing climate inaction and ignoring evidence, our government is acting negligently and endangering the health of future citizens

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By saving the wildlife you will save the world. If we don't continue to protect species, the outdoors will be destroyed. If we allow the protection act to break down even more, we will see the day of no wildlife. The animals we protect are part of the circle of life. Lire davantage

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To all concerned: Please accept this letter in support of protecting Ontario's green belt as well as its endangered species.

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Changes to the Endangered Species Act should improve protections, not water them down even further. Lire davantage

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I am concerned that amendments will reduce protection for wildlife species at risk given the many exemptions for businesses and corporations. Canada's animal population is declining at a shocking pace according to statistics. Lire davantage

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Changes to the Endangered Species Act should improve protections, not water them down even further. Lire davantage

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Species at risk need strong protections for their habitats. Doing so good for Ontario residents in general because diversity in nature keeps us all strong in general.

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Ontario is the home of 243 endangered species.Half of Canadian wildlife is on a decline by 83 percent. As a progressive first-world country, we should be a part of setting the standards of environmental and wildlife conservation and protection. Lire davantage

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we must prevent extinction of inhabitants of Ontario because once something is gone it cannot be brought back whereas business men can easily find a better route that doesn't destroy any species. We cannot bring back an extinctiions but greedy business men are always available

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The species at risk habitat must be protected. We must do a better job of protecting all wildlife for future generations.