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Canada should protect its animals and unique species. Stop only thinking about business and think about all living beings that deserve a home. The people want better protections for Ontario’s species at risk. Stop allwing business to ruin the world and polluting areas where wildlife live.

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While reviews of the Endangered Species Act are necessary, the government of Ontario must take great care to avoid destroying even more habitats and ecosystems of endangered species by opening said areas "up for business." Lire davantage

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We cannot afford to risk the environmental heritage of our children and grandchildren for temporary gain. I am joining WWF to plead with the Ontario government to look forward, and act to protect our environment and wildlife. Our enviroment and wildlife are not commodities. Lire davantage

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Changes to the Endangered Species Act should improve protections, not water them down even further. Lire davantage

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Changes to the Endangered Species Act should improve protections, not water them down even further. Lire davantage

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I strongly urge the Ontario government to maintain and to indeed increase the species-at-risk protocols now in place. Lire davantage

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It is imperative that we not interfere with the lands and water systems that support our dwindling wildlife. Surely businesses can find room in existing towns and cities and not spill even further into our countryside.

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Dear Premier Ford, A review of Ontario’s Endangered Species Act could be exactly what wildlife need, but the government’s emphasis on creating “efficiencies for business” could make it even easier for industry to disturb and pollute nature where at-risk species need protections most. Lire davantage

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Reviewing the Endangered Species Act is certainly a needed step in the right direction if protection is improved. Lire davantage

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Please do something before it's too late. If every person did a small part then we can do great things but without the government to step up and do a larger part, then we are doomed. Don't let the future be bare.

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Our wild animals need protection if we want our grandchildren to be able to enjoy them. They are best resources and they tell us how well we are doing as to environment, fauna and water conditions. Everything is suppose to disposable now-a-days but there's no place to put the left over waste. Lire davantage

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Changes to the Endangered Species Act should improve protections, not water them down even further. This review won’t help species at risk if it doesn’t address exemptions that make it too easy for business and industry to do even more harm to critical habitat. Lire davantage

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To whom it may concern, Ontario is home to 243 species at risk of extinction. Already, routinely granted exemptions to the Ontario’s Endangered Species Act make it far too easy for development and industry to tear up and cut through critical habitat. Lire davantage

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We unfortunately live in a culture of commodification. Everything and everyone is on the auction block , to be bought or sold. Have an economic problem … well just sell off everything important. Lire davantage