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I am rising my 9 month old great grandson and fear that he will never the wildlife this country has like I had when younger. We need to do everything possible to improve conditions for the remaining wildlife and habitat that's left untouched to preserve the rich diversity this country still has. Lire davantage

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Our endangered species get very little protection under the existing legislation. It has exemptions for the very industries most likely to make existence or extirpation of them an issue. Lire davantage

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The preservation of all wildlife should stand above businesses desires to make money and destroy more land and precious wildlife habitats. Greed is the motivating factor in these "updates" being forced upon us. Lire davantage

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It is clear that this update is using formal language not to protect the environment but to stretch that which companies are allowed to do in. This will not improve the health or care of endangered species and our country. Lire davantage

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I feel as a Canadian senior that increasing protections across the board for species at risk in Canada is totally essential. Animals are not like humans. Lire davantage

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I want strong protection for Species at Risk in Ontario, which means a prioritization on conserving species at risk and the habitats they depend on through improved implementation of the Endangered Species Act in its current form. Lire davantage

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The proposal offers little evidence that the law has impeded development or hurt the economy and has provided no data to measure its overall effectiveness. Lire davantage

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1. Landscape Approaches I support both coarse-grained (landscape) and fine-grained (species-specific) approaches to recovering species. At the landscape level we need to take action to improve habitat and protect species from harm. Lire davantage

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I am greatly concerned the government may be making it easier for industry and developers to destroy the habitat for species at risk. Any changes to the ESA must support its purpose of protecting and recovering species at risk. Please: Lire davantage

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I am very concerned about protecting our endangered species and their habitat. It is unacceptable for this government to loosen the protection and regulations surrounding the greenbelt or any conservation.

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I want strong protection for Species at Risk in Ontario, which means a prioritization on conserving species at risk and the habitats they depend on through improved implementation of the Endangered Species Act in its current form. Lire davantage

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We need to consider that we are animals too, and if another species took over the world and start to beat it down like we do, then we would be helpless too. Lire davantage

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We have already lost most of the natural forest, wetland and natural vegetation that once covered this province. I am strongly against any changes that favour development over species protection. The human footprint on the environment is already massive. It doesn’t need to get bigger.

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Please consider what the impact will be of not caring for vulnerable species, in favour of monetary gain for greedy people who don’t even need it. Choosing political power is short term. Extinction is forever!! Have a conscience, PLEASE!!

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Deeply concerned about any proposed changes to the Endangered Species Act in its current form which allow for the potential to encroach on and damage their vital habitats. Protection for those habitats should be increased and enforced with more vigilance.

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Globally most species are dying off at an unprecedented rate and Canada (Ontario specifically) is no exception. Any action that effects their environment should be avoided at this point, which means that laws should be becoming more protective not less so. Lire davantage

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I think we need to be clear that environmental protections in Ontario are not negotiable with developers. We need to protect our fresh water, lakes, trees and the species that inhabit them. Too many species are at risk, endangered or already extinct. Lire davantage

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This is a great opportunity to strengthen protections for endangered and at risk species. Please ensure that no loopholes (or exemptions) are added, and that the species at risk continue to obtain strong government protection.

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I think that the Act needs to be strengthened to provide more protection for our endangered species, and moreover for their endangered habitats. Lire davantage