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If this can help to increase supply of housing and make housing more attainable by reducing the costs of development it is worthy of enacting - It seems there are sufficient controls in place to implement but I am curious if alternative storm water methods are able to be approved that can help slow Lire davantage

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Town of Cobourg

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This is certainly a good first step. It would be nice to see more of this kind of streamlining. If the MECP ever forms a committee to review other such changes to ECA-related issues, I would love to be involved.

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Once a municipality have the pre-authorization, who has the authority to do the approval? Council or a specific position within the administration. When a alteration is done on the collection system, will the municipality have to notify MECP? Lire davantage

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The Corporation of the City of Port Colborne

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Does the proposed regulation only apply to activities by developers? Are there any plans to incorporate the current exemptions for sewer replacements, under O.Reg. 40/15 or O.Reg. 525/98 into the proposed municipal ECA? Lire davantage

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I am worried that municipal governments might be on the financial hook for violations of the Environmental Compliance Approval with regard to sewage works developers would otherwise be responsible for.

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I am a professional engineer engaged in the residential home building and land development business in the Belleville/Trenton area and have been frustrated with the lengthy time periods that it has always taken to obtain our ECA's (and the former C of A's). Lire davantage

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Regional Municipality of Niagara

Statut du commentaire

On behalf of the Director of Infrastructure Planning and Development Engineering of the Regional Municipality of Niagara, attached is Niagara’s comments to Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks “Environmental Compliance Approval in respect of Sewage Works Regulation” (ERO #019-0005). Lire davantage

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City of Ottawa

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Environmental Compliance Approval in respect of Sewage Works Regulation ERO-019-0005 These comments are in support for ECA's with pre-authorization. 1. Barrie Pilot: With respect to stormwater, it is recommended that the MECP take the program much further than the pilot with Barrie. Lire davantage

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Statut du commentaire

I provide comments to Environmental Registry Ontario (ERO) posting No. 019-0005 by asking specific questions. Description of Regulation: Compliance with Planning Act Lire davantage