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I have a hard time accepting the new “Ontario is open for business” slogan and the proposed action items such as Removing Policy Barriers to Accessing Wood. Lire davantage

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Just for a moment, can we stop and think with our hearts and minds and not our wallets? What we do today has real and lasting implications for all of our tomorrows. Lire davantage

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At the core of any such strategy must be a commitment to protect biodiversity. Unfortunately, the proposed Ontario Forest Sector Strategy does not implement limits on habitat loss to protect and recover species at risk. Lire davantage

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I thought the proposal was well thought out and included lots on plans for Crown Lands. As you know there are a lot of privately held woodlots and many of us belong to the Ontario Woodlot Association. I have found this Association very helpful in managing the sustainability of my little woodlot. Lire davantage

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To Whom it may Concern: I support the forest strategy and look forward to the revitalization of the forest industry and the positive benefits of the Ontario Roads Program. The Forest Industry is vitally important to the economic and social well being of many communities in Northern Ontario.

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I am against any increase in the allowable cut in any Ontario forest. The current cut level needs to be cut in half. Already, with the current cut, life in Ontario is much reduced and diminishing; this must not continue. Do not increase the cut in Ontario.

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I have had a Manged Forest Plan with the Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program (MFTIP) since its inception and was part of the previous program. I feel that this is the most important program to encourage sustainable forest management of our Ontario private forest lands. Lire davantage

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re: ERO #019-0880 Ontario’s Forest Sector Strategy Joe Maure Forest Sector Strategy - Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Dear Mr. Maure, Thank you for receiving my comments on the proposed draft Forest Sector Strategy (ERO: 019-0880) Lire davantage

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Algonquin Forestry Authority

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Please see the attached Letter of support from the Algonquin Forestry Authority's Chair of the Board of Directors. Support for Ontario's Forest Sector Strategy Also support for ERO#019-1020, Proposed Changes to the Crown Forest Sustainability Act. Lire davantage