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/Please, do not reinstate the spring bear hunt. Do you not see how wrong this is? There are probably a few people with too much power that want to go out and bag themselves any easy target just so they can go home with the poor creature and brag about their big furry trophy. Lire davantage

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This is wrong on so many levels - as we struggle with species being added weekly to endangered status, why would a spring hunting season even be considered. Lire davantage

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Please stop the spring black bear hunt. Hunters absolutely cannot distinguish between male and female bears, especially in heavily wooded forests and brush, and you risk killing mother bears and leaving the cubs to starve or die. Lire davantage

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Common sense should dictate that hunting bears in the spring in cruel to their offspring who will perish without their mothers. Please do kindness as animals count.

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Do NOT extend the spring bear hunt. Hunting is obsolete, barbaric blood sport. What possible pleasure could somebody gain from slaughtering helpless animals. Just LEAVE THEM ALONE. We're not the only species, we just act that way. Animals are not there for our pleasure to kill as we desire.

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I strongly believe the bear hunt should NOT be reinstated. There is NO REASON to hunt bears. They are not a nuisance; people need to learn to live responsibly with wildlife and that does not include hunting bears. Lire davantage

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Black bear populations are vulnerable because these animals reach sexual maturity later in life and are a long lived animal. They’re not going around having 5 or 6 cubs every spring. To make black bear hunting a permanent thing is a dangerous game to play. Lire davantage

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Spring black bear hunting should not be permitted. It is difficult to tell the difference between male and female bears, and even those with experience can make mistakes, accidentally killing a female bear who may have cubs. Lire davantage

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I am against the extension of the spring bear hunt. I believe that this should not be allowed mainly due to the difficulty of hunters to distinguish sows (mother bears) from boars (male bears). The killing of the sow renders many cubs orphans who stand little to no chance of surviving.

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Even considering a healthy black bear population in Ontario....the obvious risks to a mother and cubs increases with this proposal..... therefore is it really necessary to have a spring hunting season? Lire davantage

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Hi, as an Ontario taxpayer I am strongly against hunting, especially black bears. This is an utterly moronic and violent way to address bear population issues, if they even exist. It is no more a sport or a right then gang violence. Lire davantage

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I urge the Ontario government to cancel the province's Spring Bear Hunt completely There was no legitimate rationale for partial reinstatement of the spring bear hunt by the previous government and there is none now. Lire davantage

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To Whom It May Concern, Please be advised of my opinion that the Spring Bear Hunt should be eliminated. The following are my reasons why and suggestions. Sincerely, Best scenario. Spring Bear Hunt should be abolished, however if hunt is too continue, changes must be made. Lire davantage

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I am 100% opposed to the spring bear hunt. Animal rescue charities are constantly dealing with this failed program. Kathleen Wynne made a huge mistake and its time the Conservatives fixed it. I challenge any hunter to identify a female bear from any distance.

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I believe hunting for the sake of sport to be a vile act. In this case especially because it risks the survival of the black bear where hunters apparently cannot differentiate a male and female. I whole heartily believe that a species should continue to exist and flourish. Lire davantage

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Do not allow a regular hunting season for black bears in the spring. Hunters cannot easily distinguish male and female bears and you risk creating a large increase in orphaned cubs because of it. Irresponsible choice if you allow the spring season!