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I do not want Americans coming up here to kill our bears Walking on the acreage my gran left to me, four "hunter murderers" told me I shouldn't be walking around during hunting season...ON MY OWN PROPERTY. I support orphaned bear cubs so I DISAPPROVE AND DISAGREE WITH ANY BEAR HUNTS. Lire davantage

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This is a sad proposal to contain bear populations, my voice is to find solutions that safeguard the bear population without killing. There are other options, explore them, implement them. Killing should never be the go-to response!

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I don’t support the hunting and killing of blackbears and I think it needs to be stopped and no licenses should be given out at all. We need to preserve our natural resources and that includes the black bear populations! Lire davantage

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Hi. There's no reason at all for hunting in today's Ontario. If certain individual animals pose a proven threat to a certain human population, ok, arrange to have it taken care of. But hunting for tourism and fun? No, there are more intelligent and humane ways of earning money and having fun. Lire davantage

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I’m a resident of Ontario; the thought of hunting bears for sport is a disgusting abuse of the land we live, and blatant disregard for the life of animals. Such cruel and pointless waste of life. Lire davantage

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I am not in favour of any hunting whatsoever. Animals are sentient beings, no less than the human variety. What gives us the right to take anyone's life? These proposed measures are simply for boosting tourism dollars. Lire davantage

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The environment is in a very precarious place right now. Humans have sent many species to extinction and we have polluted the environment, almost to a point of no return. Lire davantage

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What kind of immoral, barbaric, cruel society allows for the killing of bears and other wild animals?!! In Ontario?!! This must not be allowed! Bears do no harm to us when left undisturbed in their natural habitat -- leave them alone!

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I am writing to ask that you please prohibit all bear hunts in the future. These bears are simply trying to survive on the planet on which they were born, the same as every other creature. Please use the law as a voice to protect innocent, voiceless animals. Lire davantage

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Do not implement a spring black bear hunting season! Our wildlife is stressed enough, and we could gain more tourists by welcoming them to learn about and watch the black bears in their native habitat. This is a great revenue stream for BC, let's implement it in Ontario as well.

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I am actually appalled that this is even a topic to discuss, and was surprised when it was brought to my attention. You refer to bears being "harvested" as if they are not sentient beings on whose habitat WE are encroaching. Lire davantage

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It’s 2020 and we still view what’s left of our wild animals and wild spaces as never ending resources. I am so against this hunting season!! Nobody eats bears so why hunt them?? The Asian bear gall bladder market will thank you. And if you think will actually be truthful about their kills ... Lire davantage

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There is no legitimate reason to hunt bears. This is just an attempt to pacify the hunting lobby. The vast majority of citizens reject these hunts. Please respect nature and nature lovers by preventing these hunts.

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I urge that you do NOT bring back the cruel practice of the spring bear hunt to benefit hunters and the tourism industry, even if it means a death sentence for orphaned cubs.!! The world is watching to see exactly how humane you are!

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Do not open up spring bear season as hunters don't give a dam whether or not females have babies they would probably shoot them to. It feel it is inhuman to go out and shoot something for the sport of it. It makes me sick to my stomach. They have as much right to live as we do. Lire davantage