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Greater Ottawa Home Builders' Association

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Please accept the attached from the Greater Ottawa Home Builders’ Association (GOHBA) and its members as a submission to the government’s request for proposed updates to the regulation of development for the protection of people and property from natural hazards in Ontario (ERO# 019-2927). Lire davantage

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Ontario Federation of Agriculture

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On behalf of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) please find attached our submission with respect to ERO # 019-2927 (Proposed updates to the regulation of development for the protection of people and property from natural hazards in Ontario). Lire davantage

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Thank you for the opportunity to comment on ERO 019-2927 – Proposed updates to the regulation of development for the protection of people and property from natural hazards in Ontario. Lire davantage

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Bruce Trail Conservancy

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The Bruce Trail Conservancy (BTC) is one of Ontario’s largest land trusts and the steward of Canada’s longest marked footpath. Our mission is to preserve a ribbon of wilderness, for everyone, forever. Lire davantage

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Prince Edward County Field Naturalists Comment Re ERO posting 019-2927: Proposed updates to the regulation of development for the protection of people and property from natural hazards in Ontario Lire davantage

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Please see the attached letter from Saugeen Ojibway Nation regarding the proposed updates to the regulation of development for the protection of people and property from natural hazards in Ontario. Lire davantage

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Birds Canada

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We are writing to express our concern regarding ERO 019-2927 of Bill 23 or the More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022. Lire davantage

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I am writing to express my concern regarding ERO 019-2927 of Bill 23 or the More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022. Lire davantage

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23 December 2022 The Honorable Graydon Smith Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Room 6630, 5th Floor, 99 Wellesley Street Toronto, Ontario M7A 1W3 Lire davantage

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I am writing to express my concern regarding ERO 019-2927 of Bill 23 or the More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022. I believe the proposed changes will harm native Ontario wildlife species and their habitats Lire davantage

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MNRF - PD - Resources Planning and Development Policy Branch 300 Water Street, 6th Floor, South tower Peterborough, ON K9J 8M5 Lire davantage

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Ontario needs all 36 Conservation Authorities to be operating at full capacity as integral contributors to the planning., permitting and development process in the region they are located. Essentially the updates to the 'Conservation Authorities Act, R.S.O. Lire davantage

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I am vehemently opposed to Bill 23 and the changes it’s proposes. Lire davantage

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Repeal Bill 23, the More Houses Built Faster Act ERO Posting #019-2927 Lire davantage

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I am deeply disturbed that Bill 23 has passed. The removal of trees in ecologically sensitive areas does not make any sense at all. The government proposes to introduce a policy for the “offsetting” of wetlands, woodlands and other natural features. Lire davantage

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Ontario's Conservation Authorities protect our communities through watershed management programs and planning decisions that ensure development is not located in hazardous flood or erosion-prone areas that could cost millions of dollars in damages. Lire davantage

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December 27, 2022 MNRF – PD – Resources Planning and Development Policy Branch 300 Water Street 6th Floor, South Tower Peterborough, ON Canada K9J 8M5 Attn: Public Input Coordinator Lire davantage

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These proposed policy changes are both disastrous and unnecessary. They will weaken environmental protections, infringe on Indigenous rights, limit public involvement in land-use planning and decision making, remove cities’ green building standards and remove farmland needed for food production. Lire davantage

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Everything about this proposal is wrong-headed and is nothing more than pushing aside anything that stands in the way of a corrupt arrangement between the government and developers for the worst possible solution to our housing crisis.