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As humans we are expected to show compassion and respect. This is a SPORT, this is not for the non-existent coyote and fox meat markets. We need to be better and cruelly treating wild animals this way is NOT the answer. This is purely for the hunter's entertainment, which is VERY disturbing. Lire davantage

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I do not support this proposal as it encourages animal cruelty. This practice has similarities to dog fighting. This archaic practice was to be phased out in 1997 when the FWCA declared new licenses would not be issued. Lire davantage

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Why on earth would the govt allow animal abuse because this is what this is! This is a barbaric practice! Why in 2023!! This is also dangerous to the public! I don't understand our govt at all!!! Why do we have BSL when this is allowed!!! How bout instead lifting BSL which is based on appearance! Lire davantage

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I’m disgusted and appalled by this proposed change. I’m a Canadian citizen and homeowner in Ontario. I do not support caging wildlife for the purpose of hunting or any proposal that reduces protections for animals. Lire davantage

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This is absolutely barbaric! I cannot believe this is even a practice in 2023.

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I firmly reject the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s proposal to allow new licenses and the transfer of licenses for train and trial areas in Ontario. It is completely barbaric and inhumane to the wild animals that are capture and tortured for sport. Lire davantage

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This is ridiculous wildlife does not deserve to be destroyed or used for sport. Without their conservation humans wouldn’t exist. It is up to us to protect them. Using them as target practice is inhumane and cruel. They deserve to be free and to live their life too. Lire davantage

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I do not support this cruel and inhumane proposal. This practise should end.

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I disagree wholeheartedly with this proposal. As a lover of all creatures, I do not feel the use of dogs to hunt wildlife is appropriate, and the trapping of wildlife within these hunt areas is simply inhumane. Lire davantage

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This is not a humane plan. Wildlife should not be caged and used for training purposes. They should be left alone. We have done enough damage to so many species. Do not pass this.

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•Please do not allow this proposal to pass. It is cruel and unethical. I know I may sound extreme to you because I don't support hunting either, but trapping and holding sentient creatures for the purpose of sport and training dogs to hunt is unforgivable. Lire davantage

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Training dogs to kill. what makes you think they wont make a mistake and kill a child or someone else's pet. This is the exact reason you do not like Pitbull's is people train them to be aggressive. SMH

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This seems very cruel to the wild animals. There are plenty of ways to exercise working dogs without doing this. I oppose this measure.

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Another criminal attempt at money grabbing by liberal-socialist twats in government. Never mind the cruelty to animals which is included in the CRIMINAL CODE. Do I REALLY have outline every aspect of how WRONG this is on SO MANY LEVELS!?! I'm a hunter, by the way... IDIOTS!!!

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This is wrong on so many levels. Humans have to stop treating wildlife like their lives are more important than ours. They have every right to be on this planet then any one of you who support this. THIS HAS TO STOP!

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Your proposal is not only barbaric and cruel, but the impact on our natural wildlife and ecosystem are not even considered. Dogs can be trained without bloodshed. Please leave our wildlife alone!

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Canadian Veterinary Medical Association

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Second attempt to append a document: was unable to append as was not registered. Have registered and am appending now. Please disregard previous attempt. Lire davantage

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I find this proposal disgusting and reprehensible. Why would we ever go back in time and reintroduce a practice Ontario deemed inhumane and fit to be wound down TWENTY FIVE years ago. This is not leadership; this is an embarrassment and makes our province a mockery to the world. Lire davantage

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You cannot be serious. This is literally barbaric. Wildlife is under threat already from urban development and human interaction. There is literally NO REASON to imprison wild creatures, let alone for this asinine exploitation Lire davantage