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Thank you for the opportunity to make a comment. There is so much work that has been done for animal welfare especially wildlife in recent years I was beginning to hope that I may see a day when cruelty no longer existed. Reading this latest proposal caused me great anxiety. Lire davantage

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There is nothing humane about penning in a wild animal to be attacked by dogs or humans. This is unneccesary and cruel. We have to come up with ways to cohabitate with wildlife.

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This is barbaric and embarrassing as a nation to even think of allowing this. Grow up Canada, how would the politicians in office like it if we trapped their children and tortured them as bait? Disgusting. The politicians in this country are making me sick.

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Please don’t allow more training areas. They are cruel to the animals used to train the dogs. Please don’t allow more animal cruelty

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The act of caging innocent animals for the use of training hunting dogs is inhumane and cruel. Ontario should act to preserve and respect their wildlife, not treat it as disposable property. Lire davantage

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This is absolutely the cruelest thing I've heard of. Horrible! Why on earth do you want to subject these innocent creatures to this??? Those hunters are only doing it for sport, no other reason. Cruel and inhumane. Leave the innocent wildlife alone!

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I think it is cruel to keep wild animals captive in a contained area in order to entertain humans who want to see their dogs chase the wildlife. Dogs don't need to chase wildlife. Dogs can compete in agility or fly ball instead. People shouldn't hunt animals unless they plan to eat them.

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This is horrifying and I hope this proposal gets shut down. Wildlife in this provinces has been loosing more land, food sources and so much more and now you propose to allow them to be confined so hunting dogs can learn to smell them? Lire davantage

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This seems ridiculously unnecessary. Pandering to a tiny interest group and keeping it quiet is not the Ontario I want to live in. Surely there are other ways and technologies to train and exercise dogs.

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Shocking proposal and a backwards direction for the protection of wildlife and animal wellbeing in Ontario. I highly disagree with this proposal as it prioritizes sport/game hunting over animal welfare. Lire davantage

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This is horrible. I’m disgusted. The government wants to “protect” the environment with other laws yet goes and does terrible stuff like this.

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This is absolutely barbaric and unnecessary. We have the technology and the access to use other methods and this is unnecessarily cruel. You don't shoot fish in a barrel to learn how to fish.

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I do not support this inhumane practice. Please stop this from happening now and do not allow this to continue or expand the practice.

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Why are is killing Coyote’s necessary? They have a right to exist within our province. To have dogs trained to kill them is just barbaric and where will those dogs be housed after they are no longer necessary. Lire davantage

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This bill should not pass! Train and trail areas are not necessary and would only cause harm to the environment and wildlife species. Passing this bill could also have cascading effects not yet considered that could be even more harmful to wildlife species and the overall health of the environment. Lire davantage

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Please stop this proposal and discontinue ALL train and trial areas. This is a cruel and unnecessary practice. We need to strengthen our animal protection laws and protect our wildlife.

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These train and trial areas were supposed to be phased out due to the completely inhumane suffering of captured wildlife. No animal should be subjected to intense fear over and over again. This sick practice should be stopped immediately, not given license to expand and grow. Lire davantage

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Hunting with dogs is a despicable activity. It is inhumane and cruel. Even the UK has banned tracking and hunting small game, with dogs. I vigorously oppose this admendment. Lire davantage

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Disgusting that anyone would even propose this. What a cruel and heartless thing to submit an animal to. There are numerous ways to train dogs how to hunt without causing such fear and anxiety to a poor helpless animal.